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grant_ID | Organization | Amount | grant_meta_grnt_city | County | Grant Description | Organization_name | Program Area | Area Served | grant_meta_grnt_webaddress | Year |
13427 | KSJD | $7,500 | Montezuma | General operating support to grow and secure local news production and volunteer music curation, made available through digital and broadcast platforms. | KSJD | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Southwest | https://www.ksjd.org/ | 2022 | |
13429 | Philanthropy Southwest | $4,100 | Outside of Colorado | To support the 2022 Annual Conference in Colorado providing opportunities to exchange ideas, build relationships, and advance philanthropic excellence. | Philanthropy Southwest | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Colorado Statewide | https://www.philanthropysouthwest.org/ | 2022 | |
13430 | Chaffee County Community Foundation | $10,260 | Chaffee | To support the Volunteers In Action program and to increase community capacity through volunteerism. | Chaffee County Community Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Chaffee | https://www.chaffeecommunity.org/ | 2022 | |
13431 | Lake County Community Fund | $10,000 | Lake | To support a training program that increases diversity and participation among Lake Counties' nonprofit board and committee members. | Lake County Community Fund | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Lake | https://lakecountycommunityfund.org/ | 2022 | |
13432 | KDNK Community Radio | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide public access radio that connects community members to one another and the world. | KDNK Community Radio | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Garfield | https://www.kdnk.org/ | 2022 | |
13433 | Rocky Mountain PBS | $20,000 | Denver | To support the production of Colorado Voices, a news coverage program that features stories from Coloradans statewide. | Rocky Mountain PBS | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver | https://www.rmpbs.org/ | 2022 | |
13434 | Community Shares of Colorado | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to connect Coloradans through workplace giving to the charities and causes they care about most. | Community Shares of Colorado | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver | https://www.cshares.org/ | 2022 | |
13435 | Saguache Works | $10,000 | Saguache | General operating support to build capacity and provide services to low-income, rural San Luis Valley communities through projects that stimulate economic development. | Saguache Works | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Saguache | 2022 | ||
13436 | Community Enterprise Development Services | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to assist refugees, immigrants, and underserved communities who desire to own or strengthen businesses, develop assets, and empower themselves financially. | Community Enterprise Development Services | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Arapahoe | https://www.cedsfinance.org/ | 2022 | |
13437 | Grassroots Foundation, Inc. | $7,500 | Yuma | General operating support to increase access to the community center by providing social, recreational, and educational opportunities for the community. | Grassroots Foundation, Inc. | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Yuma | https://www.grassrootscenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13438 | Altitude Community Fitness | $7,500 | Custer | General operating support for an accessible, multi-purpose activity center to support the health and quality of life for all residents and visitors. | Altitude Community Fitness | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Custer | https://www.altitudecommunityfitness.org/ | 2022 | |
13439 | Victim Outreach, Inc. | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide crisis intervention and ongoing services to primary and secondary victims of violence. | Victim Outreach, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Jefferson | https://www.victimoutreach.org/ | 2022 | |
13441 | Stout Street Foundation | $7,500 | Adams | General operating support to provide a supportive, therapeutic community for men and women suffering from addiction and assist them in returning to society as recovering, productive, and responsible citizens. | Stout Street Foundation | Crisis Intervention | Adams | https://www.stoutstreet.org/ | 2022 | |
13442 | Third Way Center, Inc. | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide services that assist high-risk, homeless, mentally ill, and disadvantaged youth. | Third Way Center, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://thirdwaycenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13443 | Boulder County AIDS Project | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support for prevention efforts, HIV testing, PrEP outreach, and case management services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Boulder, Broomfield, Gilpin, and Clear Creek Counties. | Boulder County AIDS Project | Crisis Intervention | Boulder | https://www.bcap.org/ | 2022 | |
13444 | CASA of Larimer County | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support for recruitment, training, ongoing assistance, and retention of CASA volunteers who serve as a voice for child victims of abuse and neglect. | CASA of Larimer County | Crisis Intervention | Larimer | https://www.casalarimer.com/ | 2022 | |
13445 | Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide programs that promote the safety and self-sufficiency of individuals impacted by domestic violence and relationship abuse. | Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley | Crisis Intervention | Boulder | https://safeshelterofstvrain.org/ | 2022 | |
13446 | Step Denver | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for a men's residential recovery community helping low-income men overcome the consequences of addiction and rebuild their lives through sobriety, work, and accountability. | Step Denver | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://stepdenver.org/ | 2022 | |
13447 | The Blue Bench | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide crisis intervention, case management, counseling, and prevention education programs for survivors of sexual assault. | The Blue Bench | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://thebluebench.org/ | 2022 | |
13448 | YWCA of Pueblo | $10,000 | Pueblo | General operating support for programs that help families, strengthen communities, empower women, and help eliminate racism. | YWCA of Pueblo | Crisis Intervention | Pueblo | https://www.ywcapueblo.org/ | 2022 | |
13449 | Gateway Domestic Violence Services | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide services for people who have experienced domestic violence. | Gateway Domestic Violence Services | Crisis Intervention | Arapahoe | https://gatewayshelter.org/ | 2022 | |
13450 | Sexual Assault Services Organization | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support to provide services to victims of sexual assault as well as education and prevention programs aimed at increasing public awareness and safety. | Sexual Assault Services Organization | Crisis Intervention | La Plata | https://www.durangosaso.org/ | 2022 | |
13451 | Advocates for Children | $7,500 | Douglas | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates and services for children in dependency and neglect cases. | Advocates for Children | Crisis Intervention | Douglas | https://adv4children.org/ | 2022 | |
13452 | The Conflict Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to reduce levels of physical, verbal, and emotional violence by teaching skills to youth, families, and individuals in a variety of settings. | The Conflict Center | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://conflictcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13453 | Project PAVE, Inc. | $8,000 | Denver | General operating support for violence prevention education and intervention services for impacted youth. | Project PAVE, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://www.projectpave.org/ | 2022 | |
13454 | CASA of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | $8,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates for children in abuse and neglect cases, supervised exchanges, and parenting programs for CASA in underserved rural communities within Teller County. | CASA of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | El Paso | https://www.casappr.org/ | 2022 | |
13455 | Child Advocates - Denver CASA | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to recruit, train, and supervise volunteers to provide advocacy services to abused and neglected children through Denver Juvenile Court. | Child Advocates - Denver CASA | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://denvercasa.org/ | 2022 | |
13456 | Dental Lifeline Network Colorado | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for dental care for elderly, disabled, and medically compromised individuals in need. | Dental Lifeline Network Colorado | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://dentallifeline.org/ | 2022 | |
13457 | WINGS Foundation, Inc. | $5,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide support groups and services to adult victims of childhood sexual abuse. | WINGS Foundation, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Jefferson | https://www.wingsfound.org/ | 2022 | |
13458 | Project Safeguard | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for the provision of free civil legal assistance and representation to victims of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. | Project Safeguard | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://psghelps.org/ | 2022 | |
13459 | Crossroads Safehouse, Inc. | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support for an emergency shelter to assist victims and their families to rebuild their lives free from violence and abuse. | Crossroads Safehouse, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Larimer | https://crossroadssafehouse.org/ | 2022 | |
13460 | A Woman's Place, Inc. | $10,000 | Weld | General operating support for a domestic violence shelter and services in Weld County. | A Woman's Place, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Weld | https://www.awpdv.org/ | 2022 | |
13461 | Summit Advocates | $10,000 | Summit | General operating support to provide housing, legal advocacy, a hotline, and outreach opportunities for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trauma. | Summit Advocates | Crisis Intervention | Summit | http://summitadvocates.org/ | 2022 | |
13462 | The Crawford Child Advocacy Center | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide supportive services and forensic interviews to child victims of sexual abuse and their non-offending parent(s)/guardian(s). | The Crawford Child Advocacy Center | Crisis Intervention | Larimer | https://crawfordcac.org/ | 2022 | |
13463 | Alpine Legal Services, Inc. | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide and coordinate legal services for low-income people, victims of crime, domestic violence victims, senior citizens, and at-risk youth. | Alpine Legal Services, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Garfield | https://alpinelegalservices.org/ | 2022 | |
13464 | Four Corners Child Advocacy Center | $8,500 | Montezuma | General operating support to provide a variety of services for children and their families experiencing the trauma of child abuse. | Four Corners Child Advocacy Center | Crisis Intervention | Montezuma | http://nestcac.org/ | 2022 | |
13465 | Better Tomorrow | $10,000 | Routt | General operating support to provide services to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence through Advocates of Routt County and Brighter World Child Advocacy Center. | Better Tomorrow | Crisis Intervention | Routt | https://bettertomorrowco.org/ | 2022 | |
13466 | Youth & Family Advocacy Services | $10,000 | Montrose | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates in child abuse and neglect cases in Colorado's 7th Judicial District. | Youth & Family Advocacy Services | Crisis Intervention | Montrose | https://www.casa7jd.org/ | 2022 | |
13467 | CASA of Pueblo | $15,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates for children in abuse and neglect cases in southern Colorado. | CASA of Pueblo | Crisis Intervention | Pueblo | https://www.casaofpueblo.org/ | 2022 | |
13468 | ChildSafe Colorado | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support for treatment programs for child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse and their non-offending family members. | ChildSafe Colorado | Crisis Intervention | Larimer | https://www.childsafecolorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13469 | Judi's House | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to help children and families who are grieving the death of a loved one find hope and healing. | Judi's House | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://judishouse.org/ | 2022 | |
13470 | Alliance Against Domestic Abuse | $8,000 | Chaffee | General operating support for domestic violence and sexual assault victim advocacy programs. | Alliance Against Domestic Abuse | Crisis Intervention | Chaffee | https://alliancechaffee.org/ | 2022 | |
13471 | Court Care for the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | $7,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide childcare services for low-income families with court-related business in El Paso and Teller Counties. | Court Care for the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | El Paso | https://www.courtcare.org/ | 2022 | |
13472 | S.A.R.A., Inc. | $10,000 | Morgan | General operating support to provide coordinated, child-friendly investigations and services for child victims of sexual abuse in Fort Morgan. | S.A.R.A., Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Morgan | https://www.sarahouseco.org/ | 2022 | |
13473 | One Nation Walking Together | $5,000 | El Paso | To support emergency services, food and clothing distribution, and resource referrals for Native Americans. | One Nation Walking Together | Crisis Intervention | El Paso | https://www.onenationwt.org/ | 2022 | |
13474 | Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network | $10,000 | Adams | To support the Children's Program providing free legal services to immigrant children who are victims of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or violence. | Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network | Crisis Intervention | Adams | https://www.rmian.org/ | 2022 | |
13475 | Rise Above Violence | $8,000 | Archuleta | General operating support to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or other types of victimization caused by crimes of violence. | Rise Above Violence | Crisis Intervention | Archuleta | https://www.riseaboveviolence.org/ | 2022 | |
13476 | CASA of the Ninth | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide court-appointed volunteer advocates for abused and neglected children in the Ninth Judicial District. | CASA of the Ninth | Crisis Intervention | Garfield | http://casaoftheninth.org/ | 2022 | |
13477 | ALIGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking) | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a fresh start for human trafficking survivors by rapidly matching survivor legal needs with untapped expertise. | ALIGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking) | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://alightnet.org/ | 2022 | |
13478 | Garfield County Search and Rescue, Inc. | $5,000 | Garfield | To support search and rescue services for the residents and guests of Garfield County. | Garfield County Search and Rescue, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Garfield | https://www.garfieldcountysar.com/ | 2022 | |
13479 | PorchLight Family Justice Center | $8,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide comprehensive legal and critical supportive services for survivors of domestic violence. | PorchLight Family Justice Center | Crisis Intervention | Jefferson | https://www.porchlightfjc.org/ | 2022 | |
13480 | Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Center | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide comprehensive, high-quality legal services for economically disadvantaged individuals and families. | Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Center | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://jamlac.org/ | 2022 | |
13481 | The Action Center | $8,500 | Jefferson | General operating support for emergency services, basic needs, and programs serving the homeless and working poor of Jefferson County. | The Action Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Jefferson | https://theactioncenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13482 | Rural Communities Resource Center | $8,000 | Yuma | General operating support to promote physical, emotional, and economic health in Yuma and Washington Counties. | Rural Communities Resource Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Yuma | https://rcrcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13483 | Loaves and Fishes Ministries of Fremont County | $10,000 | Fremont | General operating support to provide basic and emergency services to needy families and individuals. | Loaves and Fishes Ministries of Fremont County | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Fremont | https://lfministries.org/ | 2022 | |
13484 | TGTHR | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide emergency shelter and therapeutic services for abused, neglected, runaway, troubled, and homeless youth in Boulder County. | TGTHR | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://tgthr.org/ | 2022 | |
13485 | Westside CARES | $8,000 | El Paso | General operating support to meet basic needs and provide emergency assistance to low-income families and individuals on the west side of Colorado Springs. | Westside CARES | Food/Shelter/Homeless | El Paso | https://www.westsidecares.org/ | 2022 | |
13486 | Grand Valley Catholic Outreach, Inc. | $30,000 | Mesa | General operating support to provide food, clothing, housing, and emergency assistance for the poor and homeless in Mesa County. | Grand Valley Catholic Outreach, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Mesa | https://www.catholicoutreach.org/ | 2022 | |
13487 | The Gathering Place | $5,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide day services for impoverished women and children. | The Gathering Place | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://tgpdenver.org/ | 2022 | |
13488 | House of Neighborly Service | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide emergency services to seniors, children, and adults such as food, utility assistance, gas vouchers, prescription assistance, and clothing. | House of Neighborly Service | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | https://www.honservice.org/ | 2022 | |
13489 | Volunteers of America Colorado Branch | $8,500 | La Plata | To support the Durango Community Shelter, a comprehensive residential shelter for homeless families, women, and men. | Volunteers of America Colorado Branch | Food/Shelter/Homeless | La Plata | https://www.voacolorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13490 | Food Bank for Larimer County | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide food distribution and other services to individuals and agencies in Larimer County. | Food Bank for Larimer County | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | https://foodbanklarimer.org/ | 2022 | |
13491 | St. Francis Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a variety of emergency and supportive services for persons currently homeless or recently homeless. | St. Francis Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | http://www.sfcdenver.org/ | 2022 | |
13492 | Growing Gardens | $7,500 | Boulder | To support programs that give greater access and choice of affordable produce for low-income families and provide skills to increase their self-reliance in meeting their food needs. | Growing Gardens | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://growinggardens.org/ | 2022 | |
13493 | Weld Food Bank | $7,500 | Weld | General operating support to help fight hunger in Weld County. | Weld Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Weld | https://weldfoodbank.org/ | 2022 | |
13494 | EarthLinks | $8,000 | Denver | General operating support for a social-enterprise program that engages homeless individuals with wraparound support to become sustainably housed. | EarthLinks | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.earthlinks-colorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13495 | Lift-Up of Routt County | $10,000 | Routt | General operating support to help people struggling with poverty, unemployment, and underemployment. | Lift-Up of Routt County | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Routt | https://liftuprc.org/ | 2022 | |
13496 | LIFT-UP | $10,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide essential services and basic needs for the poor in Garfield, Eagle, and Pitkin Counties. | LIFT-UP | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Garfield | https://www.liftup.org/ | 2022 | |
13497 | Pueblo Cooperative Care Center | $12,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide emergency food resources and a meal delivery program for seniors. | Pueblo Cooperative Care Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Pueblo | https://www.cooperativecare.org/ | 2022 | |
13498 | Loaves and Fishes | $8,500 | Clear Creek | General operating support to purchase food for weekly distribution to the unemployed, under-employed, disabled, and elderly residing in Clear Creek and Gilpin Counties. | Loaves and Fishes | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Clear Creek | https://www.loavesandfishesco.net/ | 2022 | |
13499 | Help & Hope Center | $7,500 | Douglas | General operating support to provide services to residents of Douglas and Elbert Counties who are in financial distress and at risk of becoming homeless. | Help & Hope Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Douglas | https://www.helpandhopecenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13500 | United Way of Larimer County, Inc. | $7,500 | Larimer | To support seasonal overflow shelters that provide cold weather shelter for homeless individuals and families in Larimer County. | United Way of Larimer County, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | https://uwaylc.org/ | 2022 | |
13501 | Aurora Warms the Night, Inc. | $5,000 | Adams | General operating support to connect people experiencing homelessness with basic needs and resources. | Aurora Warms the Night, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Adams | https://www.aurorawarmsthenight.org/ | 2022 | |
13502 | Colorado Friendship | $8,500 | Boulder | To support the IncrEdibles program, which provides weekly distribution of food backpacks to underserved elementary school students. | Colorado Friendship | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | http://www.coloradofriendship.org/ | 2022 | |
13503 | HomeAid Colorado | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to partner with local nonprofit homeless service providers to build and renovate transitional housing units. | HomeAid Colorado | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.homeaidcolorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13504 | The Bridge Emergency Shelter | $7,500 | Montezuma | General operating support to provide emergency shelter and hot meals for homeless adults in Southwest Colorado. | The Bridge Emergency Shelter | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Montezuma | https://thebridgeshelter.org/ | 2022 | |
13505 | The FAX Partnership | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to strengthen and support those who live and work along the East Colfax corridor. | The FAX Partnership | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://thefaxdenver.com/ | 2022 | |
13506 | Karis, Inc. | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support to provide housing and services to homeless, unaccompanied youth in Mesa County. | Karis, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Mesa | https://thehousegj.org/ | 2022 | |
13507 | Haven House of Montrose | $5,000 | Montrose | General Operating support to help homeless families by providing shelter, food, guidance, career counseling, and child development programs. | Haven House of Montrose | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Montrose | https://havenhousehomeless.org/ | 2022 | |
13508 | Boulder Food Rescue | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support to redistribute perishable food waste from businesses to nonprofits and agencies that serve hungry, homeless, and at-risk individuals in Boulder. | Boulder Food Rescue | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://www.boulderfoodrescue.org/ | 2022 | |
13509 | Sprout City Farms, Inc. | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to cultivate urban farms on underutilized land, educate new farmers and bring food to neighborhoods. | Sprout City Farms, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://sproutcityfarms.org/ | 2022 | |
13510 | Mountain Roots Food Project | $10,000 | Gunnison | General operating support for food system initiatives that meet basic needs, support small-scale farming and improve community health in the Gunnison Valley. | Mountain Roots Food Project | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Gunnison | https://www.mountainrootsfoodproject.org/ | 2022 | |
13511 | Colorado Farm to Table, Inc. | $8,500 | Chaffee | General operating support to grow, harvest, and distribute fresh produce to food banks, soup kitchens, and food pantries across Colorado. | Colorado Farm to Table, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Chaffee | https://www.coloradofarmtotable.org/ | 2022 | |
13512 | SAME Cafe | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide nutritional, healthy meals and job readiness training in the Denver metro area. | SAME Cafe | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.soallmayeat.org/ | 2022 | |
13513 | Valley Food Partnership | $7,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide local fresh produce and food-systems education through farmers markets, gardens and programming. | Valley Food Partnership | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Montrose | https://valleyfoodpartnership.org/ | 2022 | |
13514 | Adams County Food Bank | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to purchase and distribute food to needy households throughout Adams County. | Adams County Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Adams | https://adamscountyfoodbank.org/ | 2022 | |
13515 | Family Housing Network of Fort Collins | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to serve families experiencing homelessness in the emergency shelter and day center programs. | Family Housing Network of Fort Collins | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | https://www.familyhousingnetwork.org/ | 2022 | |
13516 | Twin Parishes Food Bank | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to purchase food for hunger relief and to sustain overall expenses for food and clothing operations. | Twin Parishes Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.twinparishesfoodbank.org/ | 2022 | |
13517 | Food to Power | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support for a neighborhood food center that provides fresh food access, education, and production. | Food to Power | Food/Shelter/Homeless | El Paso | https://foodtopowerco.org/ | 2022 | |
13518 | Pine River Shares | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support for an ongoing response to increasing food insecurity in the Pine River Valley. | Pine River Shares | Food/Shelter/Homeless | La Plata | http://www.pinerivershares.org/ | 2022 | |
13519 | St. Clare's Ministries | $5,000 | Denver | General operating support to feed and clothe the homeless in the Baker neighborhood of Denver. | St. Clare's Ministries | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://episcopalcolorado.org/st-clares-ministries/ | 2022 | |
13520 | Fresh Food Connect | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to connect gardeners to hunger relief centers and to increase access to produce for those facing food insecurity in Colorado. | Fresh Food Connect | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://freshfoodconnect.org/ | 2022 | |
13521 | Sun Valley Community Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a safe, supportive space and vital nourishment to enable individuals and the community to grow and flourish. | Sun Valley Community Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.sunvalleykitchen.org/ | 2022 | |
13522 | Gofarm | $7,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to train and support local farmers, connect communities with local agriculture and increase equitable access to nutrient-rich food grown in Colorado. | Gofarm | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Jefferson | https://www.gofarm.org/ | 2022 | |
13523 | Clifton Christian Church Food Bank | $7,500 | Mesa | General operating support to provide nutritious food and supplemental items to financially insecure individuals and families in Mesa County. | Clifton Christian Church Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Mesa | https://cccfoodbank.com/ | 2022 | |
13524 | Smart Bellies | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support for a weekend food program that provides bags of nutritious food to school-aged children. | Smart Bellies | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Summit | https://www.smartbellies.org/ | 2022 | |
13525 | BGOLDN | $5,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to reduce food insecurity among families in Jefferson County. | BGOLDN | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Jefferson | https://bgoldn.org/ | 2022 | |
13526 | The Feline Fix | $5,000 | Adams | General operating support to provide affordable veterinary care and spay/neuter services for low-income residents caring for pets or stray cats. | The Feline Fix | Humane Animal Services | Adams | https://www.thefelinefix.org/ | 2022 | |
13527 | Second Chance Humane Society, Inc. | $5,000 | Ouray | To support community outreach programs that seek to increase the adoption rate of sheltered and fostered pets. | Second Chance Humane Society, Inc. | Humane Animal Services | Ouray | https://www.adoptmountainpets.org/ | 2022 | |
13528 | Surface Creek Animal Shelter | $5,000 | Delta | General operating support for an adoption guaranteed animal shelter in Delta County. | Surface Creek Animal Shelter | Humane Animal Services | Delta | https://www.surfacecreekanimalshelter.org/ | 2022 | |
13529 | Flatirons Habitat for Humanity | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide affordable housing to families needing assistance along with programs to break their cycle of poverty. | Flatirons Habitat for Humanity | Low-Income Housing | Boulder | https://www.flatironshabitat.org/ | 2022 | |
13530 | San Luis Valley Housing Coalition | $12,500 | Alamosa | General operating support to assist low- to moderate-income families with their affordable housing needs. | San Luis Valley Housing Coalition | Low-Income Housing | Alamosa | https://sites.google.com/slvhc.com/slvhc/home?authuser=0 | 2022 | |
13531 | Archway Housing and Services | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide access to affordable housing, food security, and supportive services for low-income families. | Archway Housing and Services | Low-Income Housing | Jefferson | https://www.archwaycommunities.org/ | 2022 | |
13532 | Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity | $10,000 | Weld | General operating support to low-income families by providing affordable homeownership opportunities. | Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity | Low-Income Housing | Weld | https://www.greeleyhabitat.org/ | 2022 | |
13533 | Chaffee Housing Trust | $10,000 | Chaffee | General operating support to provide affordable and sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities to qualifying residents. | Chaffee Housing Trust | Low-Income Housing | Chaffee | https://www.chaffeehousing.org/ | 2022 | |
13534 | Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity | $8,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to build homes for low-income and at-risk families and to provide them counseling services to be able to maintain their homes. | Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity | Low-Income Housing | Jefferson | https://bluesprucehabitat.org/ | 2022 | |
13535 | Habitat for Humanity of the Roaring Fork Valley, Inc. | $10,000 | Garfield | To support the construction of Wapiti Commons, an affordable housing community located in Garfield County. | Habitat for Humanity of the Roaring Fork Valley, Inc. | Low-Income Housing | Garfield | https://habitatroaringfork.org/ | 2022 | |
13536 | San Luis Valley Habitat for Humanity | $7,500 | Alamosa | General operating support for affordable homeownership opportunities for economically disadvantaged families in the San Luis Valley. | San Luis Valley Habitat for Humanity | Low-Income Housing | Alamosa | http://www.slvhabitat.org/ | 2022 | |
13537 | International Hearing Dog, Inc. | $5,000 | Adams | General operating support for the hearing dog training program, including care, shelter, utilities, food, grooming, and kennel upkeep. | International Hearing Dog, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Adams | https://www.hearingdog.org/ | 2022 | |
13538 | Havern School | $10,000 | Jefferson | To support tuition-assistance scholarships for elementary and middle school students with diagnosed learning disabilities. | Havern School | People with Disabilities | Jefferson | https://havernschool.org/ | 2022 | |
13539 | National Sports Center for the Disabled | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to advance the power of people with all abilities through adaptive recreation and outdoor experiences. | National Sports Center for the Disabled | People with Disabilities | Denver | https://nscd.org/ | 2022 | |
13540 | Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide therapeutic riding and equine assisted therapies for people with disabilities. | Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center | People with Disabilities | Boulder | https://www.ctrcinc.org/ | 2022 | |
13541 | Phamaly Theatre Company | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to empower people with disabilities to showcase their talents and abilities while educating the community about access and inclusion. | Phamaly Theatre Company | People with Disabilities | Denver | https://phamaly.org/ | 2022 | |
13542 | Audio Information Network of Colorado, Inc. | $6,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide audio information services to blind and visually impaired Coloradans. | Audio Information Network of Colorado, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Boulder | https://aincolorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13543 | Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support for accessible and affordable outdoor programs for low-income individuals with disabilities and special needs. | Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center | People with Disabilities | Summit | https://boec.org/ | 2022 | |
13544 | Southwest Center for Independence | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support toward accessible, door-to-door, driver-assisted transportation in La Plata County. | Southwest Center for Independence | People with Disabilities | La Plata | https://swindependence.org/ | 2022 | |
13545 | Anchor Center for Blind Children | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for educational, therapeutic, and family services for blind or visually impaired children from birth to age five. | Anchor Center for Blind Children | People with Disabilities | Denver | https://anchorcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13546 | Center for People with Disabilities | $8,000 | Boulder | General operating support for programs and services that assist people with disabilities in overcoming barriers to independent living. | Center for People with Disabilities | People with Disabilities | Boulder | https://cpwd.org/ | 2022 | |
13547 | Six Points Evaluation & Training, Inc. | $10,000 | Gunnison | General operating support to provide employment training, personal care assistance, and recreational/artistic activities for developmentally disabled clients. | Six Points Evaluation & Training, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Gunnison | https://sixpointsgunnison.org/ | 2022 | |
13548 | Adaptive Sports Center | $7,500 | Gunnison | General operating support to provide year-round adaptive recreation for people with disabilities. | Adaptive Sports Center | People with Disabilities | Gunnison | https://www.adaptivesports.org/ | 2022 | |
13549 | Colorado Discover Ability | $7,500 | Mesa | General operating support to help provide outdoor opportunities for people with disabilities. | Colorado Discover Ability | People with Disabilities | Mesa | https://www.cdagj.org/ | 2022 | |
13550 | Adaptive Adventures | $8,000 | Adams | General operating support for adaptive sports and recreation programs for disabled individuals, veterans, and their families in Colorado regardless of their ability to pay. | Adaptive Adventures | People with Disabilities | Adams | https://www.adaptiveadventures.org/ | 2022 | |
13551 | The Chanda Plan Foundation | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to improve the quality of life for individuals with physical disabilities through education and access to integrative and alternative treatments. | The Chanda Plan Foundation | People with Disabilities | Denver | https://chandacenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13552 | Yampa Valley Autism | $6,500 | Routt | To support the Community Cultivation and Gardening programs providing work-ready/life skills and vocational training to youth with developmental disabilities. | Yampa Valley Autism | People with Disabilities | Routt | https://yampavalleyautism.org/ | 2022 | |
13553 | WindWalkers | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide a variety of equine-assisted therapies to aid in the development and growth of those with challenges. | WindWalkers | People with Disabilities | Garfield | https://windwalkers.org/ | 2022 | |
13554 | Ignite Adaptive Sports | $7,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide outdoor recreational experiences for people with disabilities. | Ignite Adaptive Sports | People with Disabilities | Boulder | https://igniteadaptivesports.org/ | 2022 | |
13555 | Home Builders Foundation | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to help individuals with disabilities and their families live independent, elevated lives through no-cost home modifications. | Home Builders Foundation | People with Disabilities | Arapahoe | https://hbfdenver.org/ | 2022 | |
13556 | Steamboat Adaptive Recreational Sports | $10,000 | Routt | General operating support to provide adaptive recreational activities for people with cognitive or physical disabilities. | Steamboat Adaptive Recreational Sports | People with Disabilities | Routt | https://steamboatstars.com/ | 2022 | |
13557 | FRIENDS of Broomfield | $7,500 | Broomfield | General operating support to provide dignified and person-centered services to improve the lives of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. | FRIENDS of Broomfield | People with Disabilities | Broomfield | https://www.friendsofbroomfield.org/ | 2022 | |
13558 | Harmony Acres Equestrian Center | $7,500 | Mesa | To support individuals in Mesa County who are challenged by physical, developmental/intellectual disabilities, and/or behavioral/mental health concerns, regardless of their ability to pay. | Harmony Acres Equestrian Center | People with Disabilities | Mesa | https://www.harmonyacresec.org/ | 2022 | |
13559 | Northwest Colorado Center for Independence | $8,500 | Routt | To support independent living services for residents with disabilities in Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties. | Northwest Colorado Center for Independence | People with Disabilities | Routt | https://www.nwcci.org/ | 2022 | |
13560 | Wellspring Community | $7,500 | Douglas | General operating support to create a community where adults with special needs are empowered to live full, productive, and satisfying lives. | Wellspring Community | People with Disabilities | Douglas | https://wearewellspring.org/ | 2022 | |
13561 | A Shared Vision | $7,500 | Adams | General operating support to ensure children with visual impairments, from birth to age three, receive essential early intervention vision services from a community of highly skilled and collaborative professionals. | A Shared Vision | People with Disabilities | Adams | https://www.asharedvision.org/ | 2022 | |
13562 | Trio Therapy Partners | $5,000 | Eagle | General operating support to provide equine-assisted activities to differently-abled children, adults, and families in Eagle County. | Trio Therapy Partners | People with Disabilities | Eagle | http://www.triotherapypartners.com/ | 2022 | |
13563 | Child & Migrant Services | $7,500 | Mesa | General operating support to provide basic human services to temporary and seasonal agricultural workers in Mesa County. | Child & Migrant Services | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Mesa | https://migrantservicesgv.org/ | 2022 | |
13564 | Women's Resource Center in Durango | $7,500 | La Plata | To support the Resource & Referral program that helps women and families attain the resources they need for self-sufficiency. | Women's Resource Center in Durango | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | La Plata | http://wrcdurango.org/ | 2022 | |
13565 | Mi Casa Resource Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for programs that empower low-income Latino families and youth to move toward self-sufficiency through job training, financial literacy, and leadership development. | Mi Casa Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://micasaresourcecenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13566 | Hope Communities, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for programs that promote self-sufficiency, economic mobility, and stability for low-income families. | Hope Communities, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://hopecommunities.org/ | 2022 | |
13567 | The Empowerment Program | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for women and teens who break the chronic cycles of violence, addiction, and homelessness to become more self-reliant through programs and services. | The Empowerment Program | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://www.empowermentprogram.org/ | 2022 | |
13568 | Women's Bean Project | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide transitional jobs to low-income, unemployed women who want to change their lives and start on the road to personal and economic self-sufficiency. | Women's Bean Project | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://www.womensbeanproject.com/ | 2022 | |
13569 | Southern Colorado Community Action Agency, Inc. | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support to provide vital community service programs, with an emphasis on Ignacio Youth Services. | Southern Colorado Community Action Agency, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | La Plata | https://sococaa.org/ | 2022 | |
13570 | Project Self-Sufficiency | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide comprehensive assistance to low-income, single parents in their efforts to achieve self-sufficiency. | Project Self-Sufficiency | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Larimer | http://bringthepower.org/ | 2022 | |
13571 | Emily Griffith Foundation | $10,000 | Denver | To support the 360 Degree Fund providing financial assistance for non-tuition expenses such as transportation, medical, childcare, and housing costs. | Emily Griffith Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://www.egfoundation.org/ | 2022 | |
13572 | Partners in Housing, Inc. | $10,000 | El Paso | To support transitional housing and supportive services to homeless families and veterans to help them achieve self-sufficiency. | Partners in Housing, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | El Paso | https://partnersinhousing.org/ | 2022 | |
13573 | Mountain Resource Center | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support for integrated services for economically disadvantaged residents, helping them move toward self-sufficiency. | Mountain Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Jefferson | https://www.mrcco.org/ | 2022 | |
13574 | Work Options | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide job training, life skills, and job placement in the food service industry for poor and marginalized women. | Work Options | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://workoptions.org/ | 2022 | |
13575 | Denver Urban Gardens | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to increase the self-sufficiency of in-need families by growing their own food, building community leadership capacity, and making healthy nutrition decisions. | Denver Urban Gardens | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://dug.org/ | 2022 | |
13576 | Mile High Ministries | $7,500 | Denver | To support Joshua Station, which empowers homeless and low-income families through supportive housing and programming, including counseling, job services, education, and youth activities. | Mile High Ministries | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://milehighmin.org/ | 2022 | |
13577 | San Luis Valley Immigrant Resource Center | $10,000 | Alamosa | General operating support for domestic violence victims, citizenship assistance, basic needs, ESL classes, and legal assistance on immigration issues. | San Luis Valley Immigrant Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Alamosa | https://www.slvirc.org/ | 2022 | |
13578 | Catholic Charities of Southern Colorado | $12,000 | Pueblo | General operating support for programming that builds, stabilizes, and strengthens families. | Catholic Charities of Southern Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Pueblo | https://www.ccsoco.org/ | 2022 | |
13579 | Grand County Rural Health Network, Inc. | $9,912 | Grand | General operating support to coordinate and develop a comprehensive health care delivery system in Grand and Jackson Counties. | Grand County Rural Health Network, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Grand | https://gcruralhealth.org/ | 2022 | |
13580 | Hands of the Carpenter | $10,000 | Jefferson | To support the Good Neighbor Garage Program, which strives to address and prevent unreliable vehicle issues for single women in need. | Hands of the Carpenter | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Jefferson | https://www.handsofthecarpenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13581 | The Salvation Army of Cortez | $7,500 | Montezuma | General operating support to provide emergency assistance to struggling individuals, families, and households in the greater Cortez region. | The Salvation Army of Cortez | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Montezuma | https://westernusa.salvationarmy.org/intermountain_us_west/ | 2022 | |
13582 | Earth Mountain Education Farm | $10,000 | Las Animas | General operating support for sustainable community development projects, including community gardens and healthy living education in the schools and broader community. | Earth Mountain Education Farm | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Las Animas | http://earthmountainfarm.org/ | 2022 | |
13583 | San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | $10,000 | Alamosa | General operating support to connect family farms, ranches, and their products with the schools, restaurants, retail outlets, and institutions in the San Luis Valley. | San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Alamosa | https://slvlocalfoods.org/ | 2022 | |
13584 | Energy Resource Center | $10,000 | El Paso | To support low-income families in the San Luis Valley with emergency home needs such as water heaters, furnaces, and emergency assistance when no one else can assist them. | Energy Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | El Paso | https://www.erc-co.org/ | 2022 | |
13585 | Moffat County United Way, Inc. | $7,500 | Moffat | To support the Bridges Out of Poverty program addressing poverty and the effect it has on the community. | Moffat County United Way, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Moffat | http://www.unitedwaymoffat.org/ | 2022 | |
13586 | Be The Gift, Inc. | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide free home repairs for widows and single mother homeowners and their children. | Be The Gift, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Larimer | https://www.bethegift.com/ | 2022 | |
13587 | Western Slope Veterans Coalition | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide programs and activities that support, honor, and connect Veterans across the Western Slope at the Jesse Beckius/Casey Owens Veterans Resource Center. | Western Slope Veterans Coalition | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Garfield | https://www.westernslopeveterans.org/ | 2022 | |
13588 | Mile High Workshop, Inc. | $10,000 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide jobs, supportive services, job training, soft skills, and interview skills for at-risk people in Denver Metro. | Mile High Workshop, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Arapahoe | https://www.milehighworkshop.org/ | 2022 | |
13589 | Ready to Work Aurora | $7,500 | Arapahoe | To support social enterprise employment, housing, and case management services for people exiting homelessness. | Ready to Work Aurora | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Arapahoe | https://boulderbridgehouse.org/ready-to-work/ | 2022 | |
13590 | Project Restart, Inc. | $5,000 | Denver | General operating support to help people gain self-sufficiency through co-housing, workforce development, job placement, and housing navigation. | Project Restart, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://housedworkingandhealthy.org/ | 2022 | |
13591 | Community of Caring Foundation | $8,500 | Teller | General operating support to provide a “one-stop-shop” for individuals seeking charitable services in Teller County. | Community of Caring Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Teller | https://cocamc.org/ | 2022 | |
13592 | Veterans Community Project | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for housing, referral, and outreach programs that serve veterans in Colorado. | Veterans Community Project | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Boulder | https://www.veteranscommunityproject.org/vcp-colorado | 2022 | |
13593 | Doors 2 Success | $10,000 | Mesa | To support the Family Self-Sufficiency program serving vulnerable families in Mesa County by helping families attain and maximize jobs/earning power, retain stable housing, and save funds for a home purchase. | Doors 2 Success | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Mesa | https://www.gjha.org/housing-programs/doors-2-success | 2022 | |
13594 | Broomfield FISH | $10,000 | Broomfield | General operating support to provide clothing and other basic essentials to children and families in desperate need of assistance. | Broomfield FISH | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Broomfield | https://www.broomfieldfish.org/ | 2022 | |
13595 | Cloud City Conservation Center | $6,000 | Lake | To support resiliency and self-sufficiency in low-income households through increased home safety, utility assistance, and lower energy costs. | Cloud City Conservation Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Lake | https://www.c4leadville.org/ | 2022 | |
13596 | High Country Conservation Center | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support for food insecure families in Summit County through the "Grow to Share" food donation program, agriculture education, and solutions for waste reduction and resource conservation. | High Country Conservation Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Summit | https://highcountryconservation.org/ | 2022 | |
13597 | Project Sanctuary | $10,000 | Grand | To support Colorado military families to heal and move forward in life through six-day therapeutic retreats and post-retreat case management. | Project Sanctuary | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Grand | https://projectsanctuary.us/ | 2022 | |
13598 | Family Resource Center | $7,500 | Logan | General operating support to provide information, resources, and services to support and strengthen families in Logan County. | Family Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Logan | https://www.frcsterling.org/ | 2022 | |
13599 | BeyondHome | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to provide transitional housing, emergency assistance, case management, counseling, life skills classes, youth programming, and career direction for homeless families with children. | BeyondHome | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Adams | https://www.beyondhomeonline.org/ | 2022 | |
13600 | Growing Home | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to provide emergency housing, food, and supportive services to families in Adams County experiencing or at risk of homelessness. | Growing Home | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Adams | https://growinghome.org/ | 2022 | |
13601 | The Family Center - La Familia | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support for high-quality childcare and supportive services that strengthen families. | The Family Center - La Familia | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Larimer | https://thefamilycenterfc.org/ | 2022 | |
13602 | Community Partnership Family Resource Center | $10,000 | Teller | General operating support to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. | Community Partnership Family Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Teller | https://cpteller.org/ | 2022 | |
13603 | Tri-County Family Care Center, Inc. | $10,000 | Otero | General operating support to provide assistance, referrals, resources, and support to families, child care providers, and other community agencies. | Tri-County Family Care Center, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Otero | https://tricountyfamilycenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13604 | Literacy Outreach | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to teach essential literacy skills to adults who lack basic reading, writing, and math skills. | Literacy Outreach | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Garfield | http://literacyoutreach.org/ | 2022 | |
13605 | Raising a Reader Aspen to Parachute | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to build critical early literacy skills for children ages birth to five through parent education, literacy programming, and high-quality books. | Raising a Reader Aspen to Parachute | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Garfield | https://www.rar4kids.org/ | 2022 | |
13606 | Phillips County Family Education Services, Inc. | $6,500 | Phillips | General operating support for early childhood and family literacy programs including ESL/GED instruction. | Phillips County Family Education Services, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Phillips | http://www.pcfamilyed.com/ | 2022 | |
13607 | Intercambio Uniting Communities | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide classes in life skills, computer literacy, English language, and citizenship to immigrant adults. | Intercambio Uniting Communities | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Boulder | https://intercambio.org/ | 2022 | |
13608 | Childrens Literacy Center | $7,500 | Otero | General operating support for the La Junta and Manzanola Literacy Programs, providing free, afterschool literacy tutoring programs for children. | Childrens Literacy Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Otero | https://childrensliteracycenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13609 | English In Action | $7,500 | Eagle | General operating support to provide immigrant adults in the Roaring Fork Valley with individualized English language tutoring and opportunities for leadership development. | English In Action | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Eagle | https://englishinaction.org/ | 2022 | |
13610 | Booktrails, Inc. | $7,500 | Routt | General operating support to provide reading and writing enrichment programs for low-income students. | Booktrails, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Routt | https://mybooktrails.org/ | 2022 | |
13611 | Canon Literacy Center, Inc. | $7,500 | Fremont | General operating support to assist children in Fremont County to become life-long learners through free literacy programs. | Canon Literacy Center, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Fremont | https://canonliteracy.org/ | 2022 | |
13612 | Children's Speech & Reading Center | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide speech and language therapy to children from low-income families. | Children's Speech & Reading Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Larimer | https://www.csrckids.org/ | 2022 | |
13613 | Reading Partners Colorado | $7,500 | Denver | General Operating Support for Reading Partners Colorado in providing one-on-one literacy tutoring to low-income students at 12 reading centers. | Reading Partners Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://readingpartners.org/location/colorado/ | 2022 | |
13614 | Coal Creek Adult Education Center | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide GED and English as a Second Language classes to adults wanting to improve their opportunities. | Coal Creek Adult Education Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Boulder | https://coalcreekadulted.org/ | 2022 | |
13615 | Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for literacy programs offered during afterschool enrichment designed to support inner-city youth with resources encouraging them to remain in school. | Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://sunvalleyyouthcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13616 | Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. | $12,500 | Jefferson | To support the Home Modification and Repair Program and Paint-A-Thon Program for low-income seniors and disabled homeowners. | Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. | Senior Programs | Jefferson | https://brothersredevelopment.org/ | 2022 | |
13617 | Coal Creek Meals on Wheels | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide nutritious meals for homebound residents in eastern Boulder County. | Coal Creek Meals on Wheels | Senior Programs | Boulder | https://www.coalcreekmow.org/ | 2022 | |
13618 | The Center on Colfax | $7,500 | Denver | To support SAGE of the Rockies, a program for LGBTQ+ elders and their allies offering social, educational, and support programs to allow them to thrive independently. | The Center on Colfax | Senior Programs | Denver | https://lgbtqcolorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13619 | Meals on Wheels of Greeley, Inc. | $7,500 | Weld | General operating support for a meal delivery program to the homebound of Weld County. | Meals on Wheels of Greeley, Inc. | Senior Programs | Weld | https://mealsonwheelsgreeley.com/ | 2022 | |
13620 | The Senior Hub, Inc. | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to advance the quality of life for older adults through direct services that support an independent, healthy aging experience. | The Senior Hub, Inc. | Senior Programs | Adams | https://seniorhub.org/ | 2022 | |
13621 | Nourish Meals on Wheels | $8,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide hot, nutritious meals to the homebound elderly and disabled five days a week. | Nourish Meals on Wheels | Senior Programs | Arapahoe | https://nourishmealsonwheels.org/ | 2022 | |
13622 | Senior Services Solutions Plus | $7,000 | Fremont | General operating support to provide supportive volunteer services to transport the elderly, disabled, and ill to medical and dental appointments. | Senior Services Solutions Plus | Senior Programs | Fremont | https://business.royalgorgechamberalliance.org/list/member/senior-services-solutions-plus-340 | 2022 | |
13623 | Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc. | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to help the elderly and people with disabilities in Longmont, Niwot, Hygiene, and Lyons remain independent in their homes through good nutrition and daily visits. | Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc. | Senior Programs | Boulder | https://www.longmontmeals.org/ | 2022 | |
13624 | Canon City Golden Age Council, Inc. | $8,500 | Fremont | General operating support for transportation services that enhance the quality of life for seniors. | Canon City Golden Age Council, Inc. | Senior Programs | Fremont | https://canoncitygac.wixsite.com/goldenagecenter | 2022 | |
13625 | 60+ Ride | $7,500 | Weld | General operating support to provide rides to medical, wellness, nutrition, social, and basic needs appointments for vulnerable, low-income, aging adults. | 60+ Ride | Senior Programs | Weld | https://60plusride.org/ | 2022 | |
13626 | Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins, Inc. | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide meals to homebound individuals in Larimer County. | Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins, Inc. | Senior Programs | Larimer | https://www.mealsonwheelsfc.org/ | 2022 | |
13627 | A Little Help | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support for delivery and coordination of non-medical services to moderate- and low-income seniors that promote independence and active lifestyles. | A Little Help | Senior Programs | Denver | https://www.alittlehelp.org/ | 2022 | |
13628 | Routt County Council on Aging, Inc. | $7,500 | Routt | General operating support to provide home-delivered and group meals, transportation, and recreation services to older adults age 60+ in Routt County. | Routt County Council on Aging, Inc. | Senior Programs | Routt | http://www.rccoaging.org/ | 2022 | |
13629 | Northerners Senior Citizens Association, Inc. | $10,000 | Conejos | General operating support to provide meals and activities for seniors in Conejos County. | Northerners Senior Citizens Association, Inc. | Senior Programs | Conejos | https://www.facebook.com/Northerners-Senior-Citizens-324331247911564/ | 2022 | |
13630 | Mount Carmel Health Wellness and Community Center | $7,500 | El Paso | General operating support for wellness programs serving low-income seniors in the Trinidad community. | Mount Carmel Health Wellness and Community Center | Senior Programs | El Paso | https://www.mtcarmelcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13631 | RSVP Volunteers in Service | $5,000 | Weld | General operating support to engage seniors in meaningful community volunteer service. | RSVP Volunteers in Service | Senior Programs | Weld | http://www.rsvpweld.org/ | 2022 | |
13632 | Daybreak - An Adult Day Program | $7,500 | Teller | General operating support to provide a safe and secure environment for seniors, often with Alzheimer's or similar conditions, as their caregivers are provided respite. | Daybreak - An Adult Day Program | Senior Programs | Teller | https://www.daybreakadp.com/ | 2022 | |
13633 | HomeCare & Hospice of the Valley | $10,000 | Garfield | General operating support for in-home hospice care for seniors, the uninsured, or underinsured. | HomeCare & Hospice of the Valley | Senior Programs | Garfield | https://hchotv.org/ | 2022 | |
13634 | Tri County Senior Citizens & Housing | $7,500 | Rio Grande | General operating support to address the social, educational, nutritional, and housing needs of the underserved elderly and disabled in the San Luis Valley. | Tri County Senior Citizens & Housing | Senior Programs | Rio Grande | https://www.tricountyseniors.com/ | 2022 | |
13635 | Paonia Senior Center | $2,500 | Delta | To support a senior food program that provides healthy lunches to older adults in the North Fork Valley. | Paonia Senior Center | Senior Programs | Delta | 2022 | ||
13636 | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to ensure underserved communities in Wichita, Kansas have access to reproductive health care. | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | https://trustwomen.org/ | 2022 | |
13637 | Center for Counseling & Consultation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide professional, licensed mental health services to rural central Kansas. | Center for Counseling & Consultation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of Colorado | https://thecentergb.org/ | 2022 | |
13638 | Liberal Area Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Services, Inc. | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. | Liberal Area Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Services, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | https://www.larcdvs.com/ | 2022 | |
13639 | Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to help people with disabilities achieve their employment and independence goals. | Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Outside of Colorado | https://www.cprf.org/ | 2022 | |
13640 | Prairie Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to promote the full inclusion of people with disability into the community of their choice. | Prairie Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Outside of Colorado | 2022 | ||
13641 | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to ensure underserved communities in Wichita, Kansas have access to reproductive health care. | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | https://trustwomen.org/ | 2022 | |
13642 | North America World Literacy Foundation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for an early intervention program in Colorado that provides children with the learning resources needed to acquire literacy skills. | North America World Literacy Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of Colorado | https://worldliteracyfoundation.org/ | 2022 | |
13643 | Team Rubicon | $7,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to help communities prepare, respond, and recover from disasters and humanitarian crises. | Team Rubicon | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | https://teamrubiconusa.org/ | 2022 | |
13644 | Every Body Texas | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for access to safe, unbiased, and high-quality healthcare in Texas. | Every Body Texas | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of Colorado | https://www.everybodytexas.org/ | 2022 | |
13645 | Center for Reproductive Rights, Inc. | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to increase access to reproductive healthcare and maternal health services in the United States. | Center for Reproductive Rights, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of Colorado | https://reproductiverights.org/ | 2022 | |
13646 | Pararescue Foundation | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2022 | |
13647 | Honor Bell Foundation, Inc. | $2,500 | Douglas | General operating support to foster public appreciation of military service and honor veterans with a proper final tribute. | Honor Bell Foundation, Inc. | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Douglas | https://www.honorbell.org/ | 2022 | |
13648 | St. Anne's Episcopal School | $5,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a nurturing environment where each child builds character and integrity, in order to make significant and lasting contributions to society. | St. Anne's Episcopal School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.st-annes.org/ | 2022 | |
13649 | Escuela de Guadalupe | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to uplift students by offering an education that integrates Spanish and English bi-literacy, Catholic values, and academic rigor. | Escuela de Guadalupe | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.escuelaguadalupe.org/ | 2022 | |
13650 | Pararescue Foundation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2022 | |
13651 | Salisbury School | $10,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to educate young men of character and promise who are prepared to meet the challenges of college and adulthood, in honor of Headmaster Chisholm Chandler’s career. | Salisbury School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Outside of Colorado | https://www.salisburyschool.org/ | 2022 | |
13652 | Children's Center of Wayne County, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to cover unmet needs of vulnerable children, in honor of Frank Couzens Jr., Frank Couzens III, and Mike Crandall. | Children's Center of Wayne County, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of Colorado | https://www.thechildrenscenter.com/ | 2022 | |
13653 | Pararescue Foundation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2022 | |
13654 | The O'Neal School | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for a college preparatory school dedicated to the development of academic excellence, strength of character, and the physical well-being of its students. | The O'Neal School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Outside of Colorado | https://www.onealschool.org/ | 2022 | |
13655 | Shields and Stripes | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide mental health, physical, and occupational therapy for veterans and first responders. | Shields and Stripes | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | https://shieldsandstripes.org/ | 2022 | |
13656 | Salisbury School | $10,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to educate young men of character and promise who are prepared to meet the challenges of college and adulthood, and to make a difference in an entrepreneurial, technological, and cosmopolitan world. | Salisbury School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Outside of Colorado | https://www.salisburyschool.org/ | 2022 | |
13657 | Escuela de Guadalupe | $20,000 | Denver | General operating support to uplift students by offering an education that integrates Spanish and English bi-literacy, Catholic values, and academic rigor. | Escuela de Guadalupe | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.escuelaguadalupe.org/ | 2022 | |
13658 | University of Kansas Spencer Museum of Art | $10,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support Spencer Museum of Art’s mission of sustaining a culturally diverse art collection and encouraging exploration of art and ideas. | University of Kansas Spencer Museum of Art | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://spencerart.ku.edu/ | 2022 | |
13659 | South Park City | $5,000 | Park | General operating support to preserve and restore historic buildings in South Park City. | South Park City | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Park | http://www.southparkcity.org/ | 2022 | |
13660 | Lawrence Humane Society | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support the Crisis Pet Retention Program, which provides resources to pet owners experiencing crises such as poverty, houselessness, or job loss. | Lawrence Humane Society | Humane Animal Services | Outside of Colorado | https://lawrencehumane.org/ | 2022 | |
13661 | Habitat for Humanity of Grand County | $10,000 | Grand | General operating support for homeownership and mortgage assistance opportunities for low-income families in Grand County. | Habitat for Humanity of Grand County | Low-Income Housing | Grand | https://www.habitatgrandcounty.org/ | 2022 | |
13662 | Blue Sky Bridge | $5,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide child abuse intervention, education, and advocacy to increase the safety of Boulder County’s children and families. | Blue Sky Bridge | Crisis Intervention | Boulder | https://blueskybridge.org/ | 2022 | |
13663 | Bridge House | $5,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide day services for homeless men and women that encourage self-sufficiency through permanent employment and housing. | Bridge House | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Boulder | https://boulderbridgehouse.org/ | 2022 | |
13664 | Sister Carmen Community Center | $5,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide basic needs to residents of east Boulder County. | Sister Carmen Community Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://sistercarmen.org/ | 2022 | |
13665 | Second Wind Fund of Boulder County | $5,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide counseling services for students at-risk for suicide who have inadequate mental health insurance or the ability to pay for services. | Second Wind Fund of Boulder County | Crisis Intervention | Jefferson | https://thesecondwindfund.org/ | 2022 | |
13666 | Longmont Humane Society | $5,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide temporary shelter and care for companion animals in the Longmont community. | Longmont Humane Society | Humane Animal Services | Boulder | https://www.longmonthumane.org/ | 2022 | |
13667 | Colorado I Have A Dream Foundation | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to assist low-income, at-risk children through a long-term intervention program that encourages academic growth and higher education. | Colorado I Have A Dream Foundation | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://colorado.ihdf.org/ | 2022 | |
13668 | Gunnison Valley Mentors | $10,000 | Gunnison | General operating support for youth mentoring programs and other supportive services. | Gunnison Valley Mentors | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Gunnison | https://gunnisonmentors.com/ | 2022 | |
13669 | Denver Kids, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | To support the Deep School Educational Counseling Program, which provides integrated mentoring and case management services to middle and high school students at risk of dropping out of school. | Denver Kids, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.denverkids.org/ | 2022 | |
13670 | Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray | $10,000 | Montrose | General operating support for youth mentoring programs and other supporting services in rural Delta, Montrose, and Ouray Counties. | Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Montrose | https://partners-west.org/ | 2022 | |
13671 | Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support for youth programs in Fort Collins, Loveland, Wellington, and Estes Park. | Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Larimer | https://www.begreatlarimer.org/ | 2022 | |
13672 | YouthZone | $8,500 | Garfield | General operating support for prevention, intervention, and advocacy programs for at-risk youth and families in the Roaring Fork Valley. | YouthZone | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | https://youthzone.com/ | 2022 | |
13673 | Assistance League of Colorado Springs | $6,000 | El Paso | To support Operation School Bell, which provides needy children in grades K-12 with new clothing and backpacks for school. | Assistance League of Colorado Springs | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | El Paso | https://www.assistanceleague.org/colorado-springs/ | 2022 | |
13674 | Assistance League of Pueblo | $6,000 | Pueblo | To support Operation School Bell, a program that provides new school clothes for underprivileged children in Pueblo. | Assistance League of Pueblo | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Pueblo | https://assistanceleaguepueblo.org/ | 2022 | |
13675 | Denver Santa Claus Shop | $500 | Denver | To provide Christmas toys to disadvantaged children. | Denver Santa Claus Shop | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.denversantaclausshop.org/ | 2022 | |
13676 | Partners in Routt County | $10,000 | Routt | General operating support for a community and school-based mentoring program serving at-risk youth in Northwest Colorado. | Partners in Routt County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Routt | https://partnersyouth.org/ | 2022 | |
13677 | The Buddy Program | $7,000 | Garfield | To support the growing number of youth in Carbondale and Rifle through mentoring and leadership development experiences. | The Buddy Program | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | https://www.buddyprogram.org/ | 2022 | |
13678 | National Western Stock Show | $1,100 | Denver | To support the 2022-2023 Catch-A-Calf program for youth. | National Western Stock Show | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://nationalwestern.com/livestock-shows/catch-a-calf-program/ | 2022 | |
13679 | TEENS, Inc. | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide constructive recreational opportunities, youth employment and training, educational programs, support services and a safe, drug free environment to socialize. | TEENS, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Boulder | https://teensinc.org/ | 2022 | |
13680 | Boys and Girls Clubs of Pueblo County | $12,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide safe and nurturing environments for disadvantaged children. | Boys and Girls Clubs of Pueblo County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Pueblo | https://www.bgcpckids.org/ | 2022 | |
13681 | Partners | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support for school-based, community one-on-one mentoring programs. | Partners | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Larimer | https://poweredbypartners.org/ | 2022 | |
13682 | Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club, Inc. | $7,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide quality afterschool and summer programs for children, ages 6-18, on the western slope. | Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Montrose | https://www.bcbgc.org/ | 2022 | |
13683 | Mountain Youth | $7,500 | Eagle | General operating support to expand and enhance the community collaborative capacity of Eagle County youth service providers to address youth needs and coordinate substance abuse reduction efforts. | Mountain Youth | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Eagle | https://www.mountainyouth.org/ | 2022 | |
13684 | Colorado Academy | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for the Horizons Enrichment Program to provide academic support, recreational programming, and meals to low-income, minority children. | Colorado Academy | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.horizonscolorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13685 | YESS Institute | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for academic, leadership, and social-emotional intelligence programs. | YESS Institute | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://yessinstitute.org/ | 2022 | |
13686 | Boys and Girls Clubs of Northwest Colorado | $10,000 | Moffat | General operating support for youth development programs in Moffat and Routt Counties. | Boys and Girls Clubs of Northwest Colorado | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Moffat | https://bgcnwc.org/ | 2022 | |
13687 | Riverside Educational Center | $9,000 | Mesa | General operating support to provide structured enrichment and social-emotional support services for disadvantaged Mesa County students in grades 1-12. | Riverside Educational Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Mesa | https://www.rec4kids.com/ | 2022 | |
13688 | Boys & Girls Clubs of the High Rockies | $10,000 | Park | General operating support for a full-service, afterschool and summer drop-in facility for children and youth in the rural areas of Park County. | Boys & Girls Clubs of the High Rockies | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Park | http://bgchr.co/ | 2022 | |
13689 | Boys & Girls Clubs of Chaffee County | $10,000 | Chaffee | General operating support to provide comprehensive, high-quality, year-round, afterschool, and summer enrichment opportunities for youth in Chaffee County. | Boys & Girls Clubs of Chaffee County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Chaffee | https://www.bgcchaffee.org/ | 2022 | |
13690 | Groundwork Denver, Inc. | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for a youth employment program where they can improve their communities while being trained and mentored. | Groundwork Denver, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://groundworkcolorado.org/ | 2022 | |
13691 | The Matthews House | $7,500 | Larimer | To support the Experiential Education program, which provides opportunities for youth to develop leadership, resiliency, and team-building skills through outdoor education, gardening and other activities. | The Matthews House | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Larimer | https://www.thematthewshouse.org/ | 2022 | |
13692 | Youthentity | $8,500 | Garfield | General operating support to help prepare youth for future success through financial literacy, business entrepreneurship, technological skills training, and real-life experiences. | Youthentity | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | https://www.youthentity.org/ | 2022 | |
13693 | Medicine Horse Center | $7,500 | Montezuma | General operating support for equine-assisted therapy that teaches at-risk youth, school staff, and families social-emotional wellness and leadership. | Medicine Horse Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Montezuma | https://medicinehorsecenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13694 | Summit County Youth and Family Services | $7,500 | Summit | To support Summit County Mountain Mentors, a one-on-one mentoring program to match caring, adult volunteers over the age of 21 with youth ages 8 to 16. | Summit County Youth and Family Services | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Summit | https://www.summitcountyco.gov/332/Mountain-Mentors | 2022 | |
13695 | Boys and Girls Club of Fremont County, Inc. | $10,000 | Fremont | General operating support for programs to help youth reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. | Boys and Girls Club of Fremont County, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Fremont | http://www.bgcfremont.org/ | 2022 | |
13696 | Montrose Recreation Foundation | $7,500 | Montrose | To support scholarships for youth from low-income families to access entrance passes and programs at the Montrose Community Recreation Center. | Montrose Recreation Foundation | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Montrose | http://montroserec.com/619/Montrose-Recreation-Foundation | 2022 | |
13697 | Access AfterSchool | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide afterschool and summer programs focused on creative enrichment, workforce readiness, and positive youth development. | Access AfterSchool | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | https://www.accessafterschool.org/ | 2022 | |
13698 | Heart & Hand Center | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide after-school programming for at-risk youth and their families in Northeast Denver. | Heart & Hand Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.heartandhandcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13699 | True North Youth Program | $7,500 | San Miguel | General operating support to provide comprehensive wrap-around services and programs for the underserved teen population in Norwood, Nucla and Naturita. | True North Youth Program | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Miguel | https://www.truenorthyouthprogram.org/ | 2022 | |
13700 | YouthRoots | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to engage high school students in personal development, community partnerships, and innovative ventures to foster leadership, integrity, and social action. | YouthRoots | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Arapahoe | https://youthroots.org/ | 2022 | |
13701 | Alpine Achievers Initiative | $7,500 | Saguache | General operating support for positive development of youth and young adults through academic achievement and grounding them in the wilderness heritage. | Alpine Achievers Initiative | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Saguache | https://www.alpineachievers.org/ | 2022 | |
13702 | Minds Matter Colorado | $7,500 | Denver | To support the College Access Mentoring Program in Colorado which connects driven and determined students from low-income families with the people, preparation, and possibilities to succeed in college. | Minds Matter Colorado | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.mindsmatterco.org/ | 2022 | |
13703 | Four Corners Rainbow Youth Center | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support to meet the unique needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, families, and allies in the Southwest and San Juan areas. | Four Corners Rainbow Youth Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | La Plata | http://www.rainbowyouthcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13704 | Friends of the Children - Colorado Springs | $7,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide holistic, wrap-around, professional mentoring services to children and their caregivers in El Paso and Teller Counties. | Friends of the Children - Colorado Springs | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | El Paso | https://friendscoloradosprings.org/ | 2022 | |
13705 | Wild Plum Center for Young Children and Families, Inc. | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for a comprehensive, individualized approach to early childhood education and family wellness. | Wild Plum Center for Young Children and Families, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Boulder | https://wildplumcenter.org/ | 2022 | |
13706 | Eureka! McConnell Science Museum | $7,500 | Mesa | To support enrollment for low-income families in the Nest Preschool, providing early childhood literacy, development, and introduction to STEAM. | Eureka! McConnell Science Museum | Early Childhood Development | Mesa | https://eurekasciencemuseum.org/ | 2022 | |
13707 | Valley Settlement | $7,500 | Garfield | To support El Busesito Preschool that provides bilingual, bicultural, mobile preschool classes in low-income neighborhoods for Latinx children who would otherwise receive no education prior to arriving in kindergarten. | Valley Settlement | Early Childhood Development | Garfield | https://valleysettlement.org/ | 2022 | |
13708 | Durango Early Learning Center | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support for an early learning center providing early childhood education and kindergarten readiness skills to children in La Plata County. | Durango Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | La Plata | https://childcarecenter.us/provider_detail/durango_early_learning_center_durango_co | 2022 | |
13709 | Country Living Learning Center | $7,500 | Lincoln | General operating support for a childcare center serving Lincoln County. | Country Living Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Lincoln | https://www.cllc2018.com/ | 2022 | |
13710 | Montessori Del Mundo | $6,500 | Arapahoe | To support high-quality, early childhood programming that serves low-income children for whom out-of-pocket tuition is not an option. | Montessori Del Mundo | Early Childhood Development | Arapahoe | https://montessoridelmundo.org/ | 2022 | |
13711 | Naturita Early Learning Center | $10,000 | Montrose | General operating support for an early learning center in Naturita that facilitates a child's social, emotional, cognitive, and motor development. | Naturita Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Montrose | https://sites.google.com/weps.k12.co.us/west-end-public-schools/naturita-early-learning-center?authuser=0 | 2022 | |
13712 | Chaffee County Childcare | $7,500 | Chaffee | General operating support to create child care solutions in Chaffee County. | Chaffee County Childcare | Early Childhood Development | Chaffee | https://www.chaffeechildcare.com/ | 2022 | |
13713 | Family Learning Center | $7,500 | Eagle | General operating support to provide an affordable, quality early childhood learning program in Eagle County. | Family Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Eagle | http://www.flcedwards.org | 2022 | |
13714 | Yuma Children's Academy | $10,000 | Yuma | General operating support to provide quality childcare in a stable, secure, and enriching environment for the local community. | Yuma Children's Academy | Early Childhood Development | Yuma | 2022 | ||
13715 | Stepping Stones Children's Center | $7,500 | Gunnison | General operating support to provide early childhood education and care for working families in Crested Butte. | Stepping Stones Children's Center | Early Childhood Development | Gunnison | https://www.steppingstonescb.com/ | 2022 | |
13716 | Boulder Day Nursery | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide tuition assistance for low-income families for high-quality childcare, early learning, and family support services. | Boulder Day Nursery | Early Childhood Development | Boulder | https://bdnschool.org/ | 2022 | |
13717 | Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc. | $5,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide affordable, quality preschool education to at-risk children. | Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Larimer | https://www.thompsonvalleypreschool.org/ | 2022 | |
13718 | Bal Swan Children's Center | $7,500 | Broomfield | General operating support for educational programming and therapy services for children and families that cannot afford them. | Bal Swan Children's Center | Early Childhood Development | Broomfield | https://www.balswan.org/ | 2022 | |
13719 | Great Expectations | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support for the Home Visitor Program providing home visitation services starting prenatally and continuing until the child reaches one year. | Great Expectations | Early Childhood Development | Garfield | https://greatexpectations.co/ | 2022 | |
13720 | Baby Bear Hugs | $8,500 | Yuma | General operating support for ongoing home visitations offering parenting education and support to new parents. | Baby Bear Hugs | Early Childhood Development | Yuma | https://www.babybearhugs.org/ | 2022 | |
13721 | Seeds of Learning | $7,500 | Archuleta | General operating support for an early childhood education center in Pagosa Springs. | Seeds of Learning | Early Childhood Development | Archuleta | https://growingseeds.org/ | 2022 | |
13722 | Creede Early Learning Center | $6,500 | Mineral | General operating support to provide quality early childhood services. | Creede Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Mineral | https://www.creedeearlylearningcenter.com/ | 2022 | |
13723 | Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide childcare tuition assistance for low-income families working toward self-sufficiency in Larimer County. | Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Larimer | https://teaching-tree.org/ | 2022 | |
13724 | Dove's Nest Early Care and Education Center | $8,000 | Dolores | General operating support for an affordable daycare center and early education services for individuals and families in rural Dolores County. | Dove's Nest Early Care and Education Center | Early Childhood Development | Dolores | http://www.dovesnestdaycare.com/ | 2022 | |
13725 | Tiny Hands Daycare Center, Inc. | $7,500 | Costilla | General operating support to provide subsidized childcare services in Costilla County. | Tiny Hands Daycare Center, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Costilla | 2022 | ||
13726 | Colorado Mountain Club | $8,500 | Jefferson | To support the Youth Education Program, engaging at-risk youth in mountaineering experiences and bringing mountain-related topics into the school curriculum. | Colorado Mountain Club | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Jefferson | https://www.cmc.org/ | 2022 | |
13727 | Mountain Studies Institute | $6,500 | San Juan | General operating support for science and mountain-focused programming that brings youth, educators, and researchers to Silverton. | Mountain Studies Institute | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Juan | https://www.mountainstudies.org/ | 2022 | |
13728 | Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers | $5,000 | Eagle | To support the Young Stewards Program to increase youth participation in conservation projects. | Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Eagle | https://www.rfov.org/ | 2022 | |
13729 | Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado | $5,000 | Denver | General operating support to increase equity and diversity in the outdoor stewardship community. | Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.voc.org/ | 2022 | |
13730 | Yampatika | $5,000 | Routt | General operating support to inspire youth towards environmental stewardship through outdoor educational opportunities. | Yampatika | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Routt | https://yampatika.org/ | 2022 | |
13731 | Friends of Youth and Nature | $7,500 | Delta | To support the Together for Resilient Youth (TRY) project that provides outdoor equipment to highly at-risk youth and encourages youth to learn healthy outdoor activities and life skills. | Friends of Youth and Nature | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Delta | http://www.friendsofyouthandnature.org | 2022 | |
13732 | elevateHER | $7,500 | Chaffee | General operating support to increase self-sufficiency and employment opportunities for female youth grades 6-12 in Chaffee County. | elevateHER | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Chaffee | https://elevateherco.org/ | 2022 | |
13819 | First Southwest Community Fund | $7,500 | Alamosa | General operating support to provide entrepreneurs and small business owners with the assets and financial knowledge needed to thrive. | First Southwest Community Fund | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Alamosa | https://fswcf.org/ | 2023 | |
13820 | High Line Canal Conservancy | $5,000 | Arapahoe | To support improvements of the northeast section of the High Line Canal, a 71-mile-long greenway that connects people to nature. | High Line Canal Conservancy | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Arapahoe | https://highlinecanal.org/ | 2023 | |
13821 | Institute for Leaders in Development | $3,000 | Denver | To support lodging and travel for rural participants of the Institute for Leaders in Development program. | Institute for Leaders in Development | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver | https://www.ildcolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
13822 | Pararescue Foundation | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2023 | |
13823 | Pararescue Foundation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2023 | |
13824 | Pararescue Foundation | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2023 | |
13825 | Philanthropy Southwest | $4,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support the 2023 Annual Conference providing opportunities to exchange ideas, build relationships, and advance philanthropic excellence. | Philanthropy Southwest | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | https://www.philanthropysouthwest.org/ | 2023 | |
13826 | Rocky Mountain PBS | $20,000 | Denver | To support the production of Colorado Voices, a news coverage program that features stories from Coloradans statewide. | Rocky Mountain PBS | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver | https://www.rmpbs.org/ | 2023 | |
13827 | San Juan Development Association | $5,000 | San Juan | General operating support to provide ongoing training and consulting for local businesses, and support economic development activities, including managing a co-working space and diversifying the tourist-based economy. | San Juan Development Association | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | San Juan | https://sanjuandevelopment.com/ | 2023 | |
13828 | Valley First | $5,000 | Pueblo | To support the installation of an ADA-accessible wheelchair ramp, ensuring that a multi-sport field is accessible to all community members. | Valley First | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Pueblo | https://www.valley-first.org/ | 2023 | |
13829 | Advocate Safehouse Project | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide comprehensive and confidential services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their children. | Advocate Safehouse Project | Crisis Intervention | Garfield | https://www.advocatesafehouseproject.org/ | 2023 | |
13830 | Advocates of Lake County | $7,500 | Lake | General operating support for direct service programs addressing domestic violence and sexual assault in Lake County. | Advocates of Lake County | Crisis Intervention | Lake | https://advocatesoflakecounty.org/ | 2023 | |
13831 | Alternatives to Violence, Inc. | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide housing, intervention, transition, and counseling services to victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, and other violent crimes. | Alternatives to Violence, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Larimer | https://alternativestoviolence.org/ | 2023 | |
13832 | Better Tomorrow | $10,000 | Routt | General operating support to provide services to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence through Advocates of Routt County and Brighter World Child Advocacy Center. | Better Tomorrow | Crisis Intervention | Routt | https://bettertomorrowco.org/ | 2023 | |
13833 | CASA of Adams & Broomfield Counties | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to provide a volunteer's voice in court for children who are victims of abuse and neglect. | CASA of Adams & Broomfield Counties | Crisis Intervention | Adams | https://casa17th.org/ | 2023 | |
13834 | CASA of Larimer County | $8,500 | Larimer | To support the recruitment, training, ongoing assistance, and retention of CASA volunteers who serve as a voice for child victims of abuse and neglect. | CASA of Larimer County | Crisis Intervention | Larimer | https://www.casalarimer.com/ | 2023 | |
13835 | CASA of Pueblo | $15,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates for children in abuse and neglect cases in southern Colorado. | CASA of Pueblo | Crisis Intervention | Pueblo | https://www.casaofpueblo.org/ | 2023 | |
13836 | CASA of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | $8,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates for children in abuse and neglect cases, supervised exchanges, and parenting programs in Teller and El Paso Counties. | CASA of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | El Paso | https://www.casappr.org/ | 2023 | |
13837 | Center for Children | $7,500 | Mesa | General operating support to provide comprehensive services to victims of child sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, trafficking, and witnesses to violence and their non-offending family members. | Center for Children | Crisis Intervention | Mesa | https://www.centerforchildrencac.org/ | 2023 | |
13838 | Dental Lifeline Network Colorado | $5,000 | Denver | To support dental care for elderly, disabled, and medically compromised individuals in need. | Dental Lifeline Network Colorado | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://dentallifeline.org/ | 2023 | |
13839 | Project Hope of Gunnison Valley | $5,000 | Gunnison | General operating support to assist victims of violence by providing shelter, counseling, and a 24-hour hotline. | Project Hope of Gunnison Valley | Crisis Intervention | Gunnison | https://www.hope4gv.org/ | 2023 | |
13840 | Pueblo Child Advocacy Center | $7,500 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide coordinated, child-friendly investigations and services for child victims of sexual abuse. | Pueblo Child Advocacy Center | Crisis Intervention | Pueblo | https://www.pueblocac.org/ | 2023 | |
13841 | Pueblo Rape Crisis Services | $7,500 | Pueblo | To support adolescent sexual assault survivors through case management, intervention, and support. | Pueblo Rape Crisis Services | Crisis Intervention | Pueblo | https://rapecrisisservices.org/ | 2023 | |
13842 | Ralston House | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide a child-friendly place for investigations pertaining to allegations of child sexual abuse. | Ralston House | Crisis Intervention | Jefferson | https://www.ralstonhouse.org/ | 2023 | |
13843 | RESPONSE: Help for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault | $5,000 | Pitkin | General operating support for programs that assist survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. | RESPONSE: Help for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault | Crisis Intervention | Pitkin | https://responsehelps.org/ | 2023 | |
13844 | River Bridge Regional Center | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide extensive services to children and their families, and to educate the community on prevention and awareness of child abuse. | River Bridge Regional Center | Crisis Intervention | Garfield | https://www.riverbridgerc.org/ | 2023 | |
13845 | Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide comprehensive services for low-income and underserved survivors of domestic violence and their children in Boulder and Broomfield Counties. | Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence | Crisis Intervention | Boulder | https://www.safehousealliance.org/ | 2023 | |
13846 | San Miguel Resource Center | $6,500 | San Miguel | General operating support to serve people who have experienced sexual assaults and domestic violence. | San Miguel Resource Center | Crisis Intervention | San Miguel | https://smrcco.org/ | 2023 | |
13847 | Sexual Assault Services Organization | $8,500 | La Plata | General operating support to provide services to victims of sexual assault as well as education and prevention programs aimed at increasing public awareness and safety. | Sexual Assault Services Organization | Crisis Intervention | La Plata | https://www.durangosaso.org/ | 2023 | |
13848 | Shields and Stripes | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide mental health, physical, and occupational therapy for veterans and first responders. | Shields and Stripes | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | https://shieldsandstripes.org/ | 2023 | |
13849 | Step Denver | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for a men's residential recovery community helping low-income men overcome the consequences of addiction and rebuild their lives through sobriety, work, and accountability. | Step Denver | Crisis Intervention | Denver | https://stepdenver.org/ | 2023 | |
13850 | The Salvation Army of Cortez | $5,000 | Montezuma | General operating support to provide emergency assistance to struggling individuals, families, and households in the greater Cortez community. | The Salvation Army of Cortez | Crisis Intervention | Montezuma | https://westernusa.salvationarmy.org/cortez/ | 2023 | |
13851 | Uncompahgre Volunteer Legal Aid | $6,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide legal assistance and education to seniors, low-income, and at-risk individuals in the community, giving the highest priority to victims of domestic violence. | Uncompahgre Volunteer Legal Aid | Crisis Intervention | Montrose | https://uvlamontrose.org/ | 2023 | |
13852 | Baby Bear Hugs | $7,500 | Yuma | General operating support for ongoing home visitations offering parenting education and support to new parents. | Baby Bear Hugs | Early Childhood Development | Yuma | https://www.babybearhugs.org/ | 2023 | |
13853 | Early Childhood Council for Yuma, Washington, and Kit Carson Counties | $6,000 | Yuma | General operating support to provide professional development opportunities for early childhood program staff in Yuma, Washington, and Kit Carson Counties. | Early Childhood Council for Yuma, Washington, and Kit Carson Counties | Early Childhood Development | Yuma | https://www.eccywk.org/ | 2023 | |
13854 | Eureka! McConnell Science Museum | $6,500 | Mesa | To support enrollment for low-income families in the Nest Preschool, providing early childhood literacy, development, and introduction to STEAM. | Eureka! McConnell Science Museum | Early Childhood Development | Mesa | https://eurekasciencemuseum.org/ | 2023 | |
13855 | Great Expectations | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support for the Home Visitor Program providing home visitation services starting prenatally and continuing until the child reaches one year. | Great Expectations | Early Childhood Development | Garfield | https://greatexpectations.co/ | 2023 | |
13856 | Maslow Academy of Applied Learning | $7,500 | Montrose | General operating support to offer financial assistance for early childhood education (youth ages 0-5) in Montrose County. | Maslow Academy of Applied Learning | Early Childhood Development | Montrose | https://maslowacademy.com/ | 2023 | |
13857 | New Horizons Cooperative Preschool | $6,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide tuition and transportation assistance to low-income families for a bilingual preschool program. | New Horizons Cooperative Preschool | Early Childhood Development | Boulder | https://www.newhorizonspreschoolboulder.org/ | 2023 | |
13858 | Riverhouse Children's Center | $5,000 | La Plata | General operating support to provide tuition assistance to children from families in need to attend an early childhood education center. | Riverhouse Children's Center | Early Childhood Development | La Plata | https://www.riverhousecci.org/ | 2023 | |
13859 | Seeds of Learning | $6,500 | Archuleta | General operating support for an early childhood education center in Pagosa Springs. | Seeds of Learning | Early Childhood Development | Archuleta | http://growingseeds.org/ | 2023 | |
13860 | The Dragon's Wagon | $5,000 | Phillips | General operating support to provide early childhood education services in Phillips county. | The Dragon's Wagon | Early Childhood Development | Phillips | 2023 | ||
13861 | Young Tracks, Inc. | $5,000 | Routt | To support tuition assistance for at-risk children who do not qualify for assistance from other agencies but still exhibit financial need for early childhood services. | Young Tracks, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Routt | https://youngtracks.com/ | 2023 | |
13864 | Boulder Food Rescue | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support to redistribute perishable food waste from businesses to charities and agencies that serve hungry, homeless, and at-risk individuals in Boulder. | Boulder Food Rescue | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://www.boulderfoodrescue.org/ | 2023 | |
13865 | Capitol Hill Community Services | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide meals for the homeless. | Capitol Hill Community Services | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Arapahoe | https://www.mealsforpoor.org/ | 2023 | |
13866 | Community Food Bank of Grand Junction | $8,500 | Mesa | General operating support for a client-choice food pantry in Mesa County. | Community Food Bank of Grand Junction | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Mesa | https://www.foodbankgj.org/ | 2023 | |
13867 | Community Food Share | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support for food collection and distribution efforts in Boulder and Broomfield Counties. | Community Food Share | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://communityfoodshare.org/ | 2023 | |
13868 | Cooperating Ministry of Logan County | $8,500 | Logan | General operating support to assist in homelessness prevention by providing permanent and temporary shelter, food needs, and other prevention interventions. | Cooperating Ministry of Logan County | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Logan | https://www.coopminlc.com/ | 2023 | |
13869 | Ekar Farm | $7,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide experiential education and grow sustainably produced fruits and vegetables, expanding access to those in need. | Ekar Farm | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.ekarfarm.org/ | 2023 | |
13870 | Emergency Family Assistance Association | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide basic necessities to people who need help. | Emergency Family Assistance Association | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://www.efaa.org/ | 2023 | |
13871 | FoCo Cafe | $6,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide healthy meals and other services and opportunities to individuals and families in the community regardless of their ability to pay. | FoCo Cafe | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | https://www.fococafe.org/ | 2023 | |
13872 | Greeley Family House, Inc. | $7,500 | Weld | General operating support to provide emergency shelter and follow-up services for families experiencing homelessness. | Greeley Family House, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Weld | https://www.greeleyfamilyhouse.org/ | 2023 | |
13873 | Gunnison Country Food Pantry | $7,500 | Gunnison | General operating support to address food insecurity in Gunnison. | Gunnison Country Food Pantry | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Gunnison | https://gunnisoncountryfoodpantry.org/ | 2023 | |
13874 | House of Neighborly Service | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide emergency services to seniors, children, and adults, such as food, utility assistance, gas vouchers, prescription assistance, and clothing. | House of Neighborly Service | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | https://www.honservice.org/ | 2023 | |
13875 | Karis, Inc. | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support to provide housing and services to homeless, unaccompanied youth in Mesa County. | Karis, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Mesa | https://karisinc.org/ | 2023 | |
13876 | La Puente Home, Inc. | $25,000 | Alamosa | General operating support for essential human services for homeless and economically disadvantaged residents of the San Luis Valley. | La Puente Home, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Alamosa | https://lapuentehome.org/ | 2023 | |
13877 | Lift-Up of Routt County | $8,500 | Routt | General operating support to help people struggling with poverty, unemployment, and underemployment. | Lift-Up of Routt County | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Routt | https://liftuprc.org/ | 2023 | |
13878 | Lyons Emergency & Assistance Fund (LEAF) | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide basic need resources, a food pantry, and the Meals on Wheels program to the Greater Lyons area. | Lyons Emergency & Assistance Fund (LEAF) | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://leaflyons.org/ | 2023 | |
13879 | Mountain Roots Food Project | $10,000 | Gunnison | General operating support for food system initiatives that meet basic needs, support small-scale farming and improve community health in the Gunnison Valley. | Mountain Roots Food Project | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Gunnison | https://www.mountainrootsfoodproject.org/ | 2023 | |
13880 | Project Angel Heart | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide home-delivered, nutritionally appropriate meals for people living with a life-threatening disease. | Project Angel Heart | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.projectangelheart.org/ | 2023 | |
13881 | Reaching Out to Community and Kids (ROCK) | $8,500 | Dolores | General operating support to provide resources such as food relief, youth and family enrichment, and community activities to Dolores County. | Reaching Out to Community and Kids (ROCK) | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Dolores | https://www.dovecreekrocks.com/ | 2023 | |
13882 | Sister Carmen Community Center, Inc. | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide basic needs to residents of East Boulder County. | Sister Carmen Community Center, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | https://sistercarmen.org/ | 2023 | |
13883 | St. Clare's Ministries | $5,000 | Denver | General operating support to feed and clothe the homeless in the Baker neighborhood of Denver. | St. Clare's Ministries | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://episcopalcolorado.org/st-clares-ministries/ | 2023 | |
13884 | The Learning Council | $7,500 | Delta | To support the TLC Kitchen, a program that provides farm-to-table meals to in-need community members. | The Learning Council | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Delta | https://thelearningcouncil.org/ | 2023 | |
13885 | The Place | $8,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide street outreach, emergency shelter, case management, education and employment services, and life skills training to homeless and runaway youth. | The Place | Food/Shelter/Homeless | El Paso | https://theplacecos.org/ | 2023 | |
13886 | The Vegetable Connection | $5,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide families in need with access to locally grown food and nutrition education. | The Vegetable Connection | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | https://thevegetableconnection.org/ | 2023 | |
13887 | Urban Peak | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to help young people overcome homelessness and other life challenges. | Urban Peak | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://www.urbanpeak.org/ | 2023 | |
13888 | Blue Rose Ranch Horse Rescue & Adoption | $6,000 | Baca | General operating support to rescue, train, and rehabilitate horses that are adopted by qualified persons and operate youth educational/volunteer opportunities. | Blue Rose Ranch Horse Rescue & Adoption | Humane Animal Services | Baca | https://www.blueroseranch.org/ | 2023 | |
13889 | Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity | $8,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to build homes for low-income and at-risk families and provide them counseling services to maintain their homes. | Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity | Low-Income Housing | Jefferson | https://bluesprucehabitat.org/ | 2023 | |
13890 | Greccio Housing | $8,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide affordable housing and resources that encourage stability for residents in El Paso County. | Greccio Housing | Low-Income Housing | El Paso | https://www.greccio.org/ | 2023 | |
13891 | Habitat for Humanity of Mesa County | $8,500 | Mesa | General operating support to provide low-income housing to families needing assistance. | Habitat for Humanity of Mesa County | Low-Income Housing | Mesa | https://www.habitatmesa.org/ | 2023 | |
13892 | Summit Habitat for Humanity | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support to expand the homeownership program for low-income housing to families needing assistance in Summit and Park Counties. | Summit Habitat for Humanity | Low-Income Housing | Summit | http://summithabitat.org/ | 2023 | |
13893 | The Inn Between of Longmont, Inc. | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for transitional housing and programs for families and individuals experiencing homelessness. | The Inn Between of Longmont, Inc. | Low-Income Housing | Boulder | https://www.theinnbetween.org/ | 2023 | |
13894 | Adaptive Sports Association, Inc. | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support to assist low-income participants with financial assistance, outfitter fees, licenses, permits, instructor training, and general program support for the disabled. | Adaptive Sports Association, Inc. | People with Disabilities | La Plata | https://asadurango.com/ | 2023 | |
13895 | Anchor Center for Blind Children | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for educational, therapeutic, and family services for blind or visually impaired children from birth to age five. | Anchor Center for Blind Children | People with Disabilities | Denver | https://anchorcenter.org/ | 2023 | |
13896 | Center for People with Disabilities | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for programs and services that assist people with disabilities in overcoming barriers to independent living. | Center for People with Disabilities | People with Disabilities | Boulder | https://cpwd.org/ | 2023 | |
13897 | Colorado Center for the Blind | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to assist blind youth and seniors in achieving independence and self-sufficiency. | Colorado Center for the Blind | People with Disabilities | Arapahoe | https://cocenter.org/ | 2023 | |
13898 | DIRT | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to train and employ neurodivergent adults. | DIRT | People with Disabilities | Arapahoe | https://www.dirtcoffee.org/ | 2023 | |
13899 | Disabled Resource Services | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to allow uninterrupted, customized service and support to people who are disabled and living in poverty. | Disabled Resource Services | People with Disabilities | Larimer | https://drsnoco.org/ | 2023 | |
13900 | Ensight Skills Center | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide low-vision skills training, services, and equipment on a sliding fee scale to the rural areas of Colorado, particularly to seniors. | Ensight Skills Center | People with Disabilities | Larimer | https://ensightskills.org/ | 2023 | |
13901 | International Hearing Dog, Inc. | $5,000 | Adams | General operating support for the hearing dog training program, including care, shelter, utilities, food, grooming, and kennel upkeep. | International Hearing Dog, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Adams | https://www.hearingdog.org/ | 2023 | |
13902 | National Sports Center for the Disabled | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to advance the power of people with all abilities through adaptive recreation and outdoor experiences. | National Sports Center for the Disabled | People with Disabilities | Denver | https://nscd.org/ | 2023 | |
13903 | Northwest Colorado Center for Independence | $8,500 | Routt | To support independent living services for residents with disabilities in Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties. | Northwest Colorado Center for Independence | People with Disabilities | Routt | https://www.nwcci.org/ | 2023 | |
13904 | Respite Care, Inc. | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide affordable, individualized, short-term care for children with developmental disabilities, and respite for their families. | Respite Care, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Larimer | https://respitecareinc.org/ | 2023 | |
13906 | The Chanda Plan Foundation | $7,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to improve the quality of life for individuals with physical disabilities through education and access to integrative and alternative treatments. | The Chanda Plan Foundation | People with Disabilities | Jefferson | https://chandacenter.org/ | 2023 | |
13907 | The Initiative | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to serve people with disabilities who have been victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or caregiver abuse. | The Initiative | People with Disabilities | Denver | https://theinitiativecolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
13908 | A Precious Child, Inc. | $8,500 | Broomfield | General operating support to provide children in need with opportunities and resources to empower them to achieve their full potential. | A Precious Child, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Broomfield | https://apreciouschild.org/ | 2023 | |
13909 | La Plaza (formerly Child & Migrant Services) | $7,500 | Mesa | General operating support to provide basic human services to temporary and seasonal agricultural workers in Mesa County. | La Plaza (formerly Child & Migrant Services) | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Mesa | https://www.laplazapalisade.org/ | 2023 | |
13910 | Children's Center of Wayne County, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to cover unmet needs of vulnerable children, in honor of Frank Couzens Jr., Frank Couzens III, and Mike Crandall. | Children's Center of Wayne County, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of Colorado | https://www.thechildrenscenter.com/ | 2023 | |
13911 | Denver Asset Building Coalition | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for tax preparation services for low-income taxpayers. | Denver Asset Building Coalition | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://denverabc.org/ | 2023 | |
13912 | Denver Inner City Parish | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for critical community services provided to under-served, low-income, and at-risk communities in Denver. | Denver Inner City Parish | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://www.dicp.org/ | 2023 | |
13913 | Dress for Success Denver | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide disadvantaged women with professional attire, a network of support, and career development tools for economic independence. | Dress for Success Denver | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://denver.dressforsuccess.org/ | 2023 | |
13914 | Earth Mountain Education Farm | $8,720 | Las Animas | General operating support for sustainable community development projects, including community gardens and healthy living education in the schools and broader community. | Earth Mountain Education Farm | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Las Animas | https://earthmountainfarm.org/ | 2023 | |
13915 | Focus Points Family Resource Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide adult education and self-sufficiency programs to low-income, Spanish-speaking families in northeast Denver. | Focus Points Family Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://www.focuspoints.org/ | 2023 | |
13916 | Grand County Rural Health Network, Inc. | $9,871 | Grand | General operating support to coordinate and develop a comprehensive health care delivery system in Grand and Jackson Counties. | Grand County Rural Health Network, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Grand | https://gcruralhealth.org/ | 2023 | |
13917 | Hands of the Carpenter | $10,000 | Jefferson | To support the Transportation at Low Cost and Lift UP Programs, which strives to address and prevent unreliable vehicle issues for single mothers with dependent children in need. | Hands of the Carpenter | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Jefferson | https://www.handsofthecarpenter.org/ | 2023 | |
13918 | Heartland Mental Health | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for programming that assists low-income individuals living with significant mental disabilities. | Heartland Mental Health | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://heartlandmentalhealth.org/ | 2023 | |
13919 | Homeward Pikes Peak | $7,500 | El Paso | General operating support for recovery services and housing for the most vulnerable of the city's homeless and addicted populations. | Homeward Pikes Peak | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | El Paso | https://homewardpp.org/ | 2023 | |
13920 | Hope Communities, Inc. | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support for programs that promote self-sufficiency, economic mobility, and stability for low-income families. | Hope Communities, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://hopecommunities.org/ | 2023 | |
13921 | Hope House Colorado | $7,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to empower parenting teenage moms and their children to strive for personal and economic self-sufficiency. | Hope House Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Jefferson | https://hopehousecolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
13922 | Integrated Community | $7,500 | Routt | General operating support to promote and support the successful integration of immigrants and local community members through resource and referral, medical interpretation, and educational programs. | Integrated Community | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Routt | https://www.ciiccolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
13923 | Karis Community | $7,500 | Denver | To support the Empowerment Program that provides social and basic life skills to individuals recovering from mental illness through transitional community living. | Karis Community | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://kariscommunity.org/ | 2023 | |
13924 | OUR Center | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for homelessness prevention services, including emergency shelter and case management services. | OUR Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Boulder | https://www.ourcenter.org/ | 2023 | |
13925 | Partners in Housing, Inc. | $10,000 | El Paso | To support transitional housing and supportive services to homeless families and veterans to help them achieve self-sufficiency. | Partners in Housing, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | El Paso | https://partnersinhousing.org/ | 2023 | |
13926 | Posada | $12,500 | Pueblo | General operating support for shelter, housing, education, and employment resources for homeless individuals and families in Pueblo County. | Posada | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Pueblo | https://posadapueblo.org/ | 2023 | |
13927 | Project Worthmore | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to provide services and programs that foster community, self-sufficiency, and increase the quality of life among Denver area refugees. | Project Worthmore | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Adams | http://www.projectworthmore.org | 2023 | |
13928 | Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide access to microloans and affordable business development services to nontraditional community entrepreneurs. | Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://rmmfi.org/ | 2023 | |
13929 | Sacred Heart House of Denver | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide a continuum of services to single women and homeless mothers with children to enable them to secure stable housing and achieve and maintain self-sufficiency. | Sacred Heart House of Denver | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://sacredhearthouse.com/ | 2023 | |
13930 | TARA Historical Society | $5,000 | Archuleta | General operating support for a community center serving Archuleta County through a food pantry, events, and informational meetings. | TARA Historical Society | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Archuleta | https://www.facebook.com/taracommunitycenter81121/?hc_ref=ARSFf0JgsCzG1Dgkot7wkkQjzYMZbMcA2yf-X5bng--8obU2GvIK7Gznm0iDEny21b0&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARB54Vf71SFZ3ky1n-T7acKIk4bkudZfSr1tmMnU2BQD7ImVFCWsvzWLyXWdsYD3VrPEChvUplVHfX2Q1MItdAwofTnZbVss_BywkG_EvWbFll__QGTfmeG1t4TmVVX55IivyYY-yjye4bBqZXze9GL-oFJ9bRBXowkeBArdu-3qQXvPzTZY2Y2a2TK9ORS7d7WntpC6ODMUgoyTBrRO0g1P92zvff0mSEJRP_e83S7gZX9gCaGYqr3zFRJcDikiXXXvRS5tRbi4eyEumtL58aHl_l3XKd1ZrtN1pIPSabI4a9__sic | 2023 | |
13931 | WeeCycle | $10,000 | Arapahoe | General operating support to assist low-income families with infants and toddlers by providing them with new and gently-used baby gear free of charge. | WeeCycle | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Arapahoe | https://www.weecycle.org/ | 2023 | |
13932 | A Little Help | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support for delivery and coordination of non-medical services to moderate- and low-income seniors that promote independence and active lifestyles. | A Little Help | Senior Programs | Denver | https://www.alittlehelp.org/ | 2023 | |
13933 | All Points Transit, Inc. | $10,000 | Montrose | To support seniors and persons with disabilities with transportation in Delta, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel Counties. | All Points Transit, Inc. | Senior Programs | Montrose | https://www.allpointstransit.com/ | 2023 | |
13934 | Archuleta Seniors, Inc. | $7,500 | Archuleta | General operating support to serve Archuleta County seniors and assist families in promoting senior independence and advancing resiliency. | Archuleta Seniors, Inc. | Senior Programs | Archuleta | http://www.psseniors.org/ | 2023 | |
13935 | HomeCare & Hospice of the Valley | $8,500 | Garfield | General operating support for in-home hospice care for seniors, the uninsured, or underinsured. | HomeCare & Hospice of the Valley | Senior Programs | Garfield | https://hchotv.org/ | 2023 | |
13936 | Meals on Wheels for Loveland and Berthoud | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide meals to homebound seniors and people with disabilities living in Larimer County. | Meals on Wheels for Loveland and Berthoud | Senior Programs | Larimer | https://www.lovelandmealsonwheels.org/ | 2023 | |
13937 | North Fork Senior Connections | $6,000 | Delta | General operating support to help seniors age in place and in the community. | North Fork Senior Connections | Senior Programs | Delta | https://nfseniorconnections.org/ | 2023 | |
13938 | Northwest Colorado Health | $15,000 | Routt | To support the Haven Assisted Living and the Home and Community Based Services program providing non-medical support for homebound residents in Moffat County. | Northwest Colorado Health | Senior Programs | Routt | https://northwestcoloradohealth.org/ | 2023 | |
13939 | Park County Senior Coalition | $8,500 | Park | General operating support to help seniors maintain the highest quality of life by remaining in their homes for as long as possible. | Park County Senior Coalition | Senior Programs | Park | https://parkcoseniors.org/ | 2023 | |
13940 | Prairie Family Center | $10,000 | Kit Carson | General operating support to provide services to underserved individuals in Kit Carson County. | Prairie Family Center | Senior Programs | Kit Carson | https://www.prairiefamilycenter.com/ | 2023 | |
13941 | Summit County Community and Senior Center | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support for seniors in Summit County. | Summit County Community and Senior Center | Senior Programs | Summit | https://www.summitcountyco.gov/93/Community-Senior-Center | 2023 | |
13942 | The Center on Colfax | $7,500 | Denver | To support West of 50, a program for LGBTQ+ elders and their allies offering social, educational, and support programs to allow them to thrive independently. | The Center on Colfax | Senior Programs | Denver | https://lgbtqcolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
13943 | Timberline Adult Day Services | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support to provide respite for caregivers to work, operate a business, or attend to daily family needs. | Timberline Adult Day Services | Senior Programs | Summit | https://timberlineadultday.com/ | 2023 | |
13944 | Valley Assisted Living | $5,000 | Custer | General operating support to provide the highest quality of facility, services, and care in a home-like setting that will promote dignity, respect, and independence to senior residents of Custer, Chaffee, and Fremont Counties. | Valley Assisted Living | Senior Programs | Custer | http://www.valiassistedliving.com/ | 2023 | |
13945 | Valley to Valley Senior Care Center | $6,000 | Chaffee | General operating support for an adult day care center helping seniors to remain independent and active in Chaffee, Fremont, and Saguache Counties. | Valley to Valley Senior Care Center | Senior Programs | Chaffee | https://www.valleytovalley.net/ | 2023 | |
13946 | Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club, Inc. | $7,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide quality afterschool and summer programs for children, ages 6-18, on the Western Slope. | Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Montrose | https://www.bcbgc.org/ | 2023 | |
13947 | Boys and Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley, Inc. | $30,000 | Alamosa | General operating support to provide high-quality, affordable, year-round programming to children and youth in the San Luis Valley. | Boys and Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Alamosa | https://www.bgcslv.org/ | 2023 | |
13948 | Children's Speech & Reading Center | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide speech and language therapy to children from low-income families. | Children's Speech & Reading Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Larimer | https://www.csrckids.org/ | 2023 | |
13949 | Cobbled Streets | $8,500 | Jefferson | To support children in foster care with individualized experiences and opportunities so they can heal from trauma, create connections, and thrive. | Cobbled Streets | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Jefferson | https://www.cobbledstreets.org/ | 2023 | |
13950 | Escuela de Guadalupe | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to uplift students by offering an education that integrates Spanish and English bi-literacy, Catholic values, and academic rigor. | Escuela de Guadalupe | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.escuelaguadalupe.org/ | 2023 | |
13951 | Escuela de Guadalupe | $20,000 | Denver | General operating support to uplift students by offering an education that integrates Spanish and English bi-literacy, Catholic values, and academic rigor. | Escuela de Guadalupe | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.escuelaguadalupe.org/ | 2023 | |
13952 | Forge Evolution | $8,500 | El Paso | To support a teen-adjudicated trial and sentencing program for first-time, low-income, misdemeanor youth offenders. | Forge Evolution | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | El Paso | https://forgeevolution.org/ | 2023 | |
13953 | Highwater Farm | $6,500 | Garfield | To support a farm job-training program that helps youth develop critical work ethic and interpersonal skills. | Highwater Farm | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | https://highwaterfarm.org/ | 2023 | |
13954 | Junior Achievement-Rocky Mountain, Inc. | $8,500 | Larimer | To support K-12 financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness programs in northern Colorado within low-income and rural schools. | Junior Achievement-Rocky Mountain, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Larimer | https://www.jacolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
13955 | Kids in Need of Dentistry | $7,500 | Adams | General operating support for dental care services for children from low-income families. | Kids in Need of Dentistry | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Adams | https://kindsmiles.org/ | 2023 | |
13956 | National Western Stock Show | $1,200 | Denver | To support the 2023-2024 Catch-A-Calf program for youth. | National Western Stock Show | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://nationalwestern.com/livestock-shows/catch-a-calf-program/ | 2023 | |
13957 | One to One Mentoring | $7,500 | San Miguel | General operating support to provide mentoring experiences for children and youth. | One to One Mentoring | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Miguel | https://onetoonetelluride.org/ | 2023 | |
13958 | Partners for Youth | $8,500 | Routt | General operating support for a community and school-based mentoring program serving at-risk youth in Northwest Colorado. | Partners for Youth | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Routt | https://partnersyouth.org/ | 2023 | |
13959 | Peak Education | $7,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide social-emotional education, mentoring, and college counseling to low-income families. | Peak Education | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | El Paso | https://www.peakedu.org/ | 2023 | |
13960 | Raising a Reader Aspen to Parachute | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to build critical early literacy skills for children ages birth to five through parent education, literacy programming, and high-quality books. | Raising a Reader Aspen to Parachute | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | https://www.rar4kids.org/ | 2023 | |
13961 | Rocky Mountain Youth Corps | $11,785 | Routt | General operating support for experiential education that develops youth into productive, sustainable, and successful adults through service to the community. | Rocky Mountain Youth Corps | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Routt | https://www.rockymountainyouthcorps.org/ | 2023 | |
13962 | Salisbury School | $10,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to educate young men of character and promise who are prepared to meet the challenges of college and adulthood, in honor of Headmaster Chisholm Chandler's career. | Salisbury School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Outside of Colorado | https://www.salisburyschool.org/ | 2023 | |
13963 | Salisbury School | $12,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to educate young men of character and promise who are prepared to meet the challenges of college and adulthood, and to make a difference in an entrepreneurial, technological, and cosmopolitan world. | Salisbury School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Outside of Colorado | https://www.salisburyschool.org/ | 2023 | |
13964 | St. Anne's Episcopal School | $5,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a nurturing environment where each child builds character and integrity, in order to make significant and lasting contributions to society. | St. Anne's Episcopal School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://www.st-annes.org/ | 2023 | |
13965 | Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for afterschool enrichment programming designed to support inner-city youth and encourage them to remain in school. | Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://sunvalleyyouthcenter.org/ | 2023 | |
13966 | TEENS, Inc. | $8,500 | Boulder | To support constructive recreational opportunities, youth employment and training, educational programs, support services, and a safe, drug-free environment to socialize. | TEENS, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Boulder | https://teensinc.org/ | 2023 | |
13967 | The Literacy Project | $5,000 | Eagle | To support the Raising-A-Reader program allowing children up to eight years old to receive weekly book bags that they share with others. | The Literacy Project | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Eagle | https://www.literacyprojecteaglecounty.org/ | 2023 | |
13968 | The O'Neal School | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for a college preparatory school dedicated to the development of academic excellence, strength of character, and the physical well-being of its students. | The O'Neal School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Outside of Colorado | https://www.onealschool.org/ | 2023 | |
13969 | True North Youth Program | $7,500 | San Miguel | General operating support to provide comprehensive wrap-around services and programs for the underserved teen population in Norwood, Nucla, and Naturita. | True North Youth Program | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Miguel | https://www.truenorthyouthprogram.org/ | 2023 | |
13970 | Two Peaks Fitness, Inc. | $5,000 | Huerfano | General operating support for youth programming and enrichment activities. | Two Peaks Fitness, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Huerfano | https://twopeaksfitness.org/ | 2023 | |
13971 | Voyager Youth Program | $7,500 | Ouray | General operating support to provide school-aged youth with a safe space, enriching afterschool and summer programs, and engaging prevention programming. | Voyager Youth Program | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Ouray | https://www.voyageryouth.org/ | 2023 | |
13972 | YESS Institute | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for academic, leadership, and social-emotional intelligence programs. | YESS Institute | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | https://yessinstitute.org/ | 2023 | |
13973 | YouthZone | $8,500 | Garfield | General operating support for prevention, intervention, and advocacy programs for at-risk youth and families in the Roaring Fork Valley. | YouthZone | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | https://youthzone.com/ | 2023 | |
14027 | The Senior Hub, Inc. | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to advance the quality of life for older adults through direct services that support an independent, healthy aging experience. | The Senior Hub, Inc. | Senior Programs | Adams | http://www.seniorhub.org | 2023 | |
14028 | Steamboat Adaptive Recreational Sports | $8,500 | Routt | To support scholarships for low-income and at-risk participants from Colorado with cognitive or physical disabilities to participate in adaptive recreational activities. | Steamboat Adaptive Recreational Sports | People with Disabilities | Routt | http://www.steamboatstars.com | 2023 | |
14029 | Aurora Community Connection | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to provide family resources and support services for the greater Aurora area. | Aurora Community Connection | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Adams | http://www.auroracommunityconnection.com | 2023 | |
14030 | West Custer County Library District | $7,500 | Custer | To support the installation of a soundproof booth to help people of all ages access knowledge, technology, telehealth, and growth in Custer County. | West Custer County Library District | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Custer | http://www.westcusterlibrary.org | 2023 | |
14031 | Big City Mountaineers | $7,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide backcountry trips and access to the outdoors for youth that lack access to nature. | Big City Mountaineers | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Jefferson | http://www.bigcitymountaineers.org | 2023 | |
14032 | Saguache Works | $10,000 | Saguache | General operating support to build capacity and provide services to low-income, rural San Luis Valley communities through projects that stimulate economic development. | Saguache Works | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Saguache | https://www.facebook.com/saguache.works.co/ | 2023 | |
14033 | Loaves and Fishes Ministries of Fremont County | $10,000 | Fremont | General operating support to provide basic and emergency services to needy families, veterans, and individuals. | Loaves and Fishes Ministries of Fremont County | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Fremont | http://www.lfministries.org | 2023 | |
14034 | LIFT-UP | $10,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide essential services and basic needs for the poor in Garfield, Eagle, and Pitkin Counties. | LIFT-UP | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Garfield | http://www.liftup.org/ | 2023 | |
14035 | Habitat for Humanity Vail Valley | $10,000 | Eagle | To support the Stratton Flats Affordable Homeownership Program, a low-income housing community in Eagle County. | Habitat for Humanity Vail Valley | Low-Income Housing | Eagle | http://www.habitatvailvalley.org/ | 2023 | |
14036 | Wee Care | $7,500 | Hinsdale | General operating support for a safe and nurturing early childhood center in Hinsdale County. | Wee Care | Early Childhood Development | Hinsdale | http://www.weecareinlakecity.org | 2023 | |
14037 | Be the Gift, Inc. | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide free home repairs for widows and single mother homeowners and their children. | Be the Gift, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Larimer | http://www.bethegift.com | 2023 | |
14038 | Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide therapeutic riding and equine assisted therapies for people with disabilities. | Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center | People with Disabilities | Boulder | http://www.ctrcinc.org | 2023 | |
14039 | KSUT Public Radio | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support to serve residents in the Four Corners area with dynamic, unique, and essential radio and digital programming. | KSUT Public Radio | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | La Plata | http://KSUT.org | 2023 | |
14040 | Mesa County Partners | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support for the One-to-One Youth Mentoring program matching at-risk youth with adult mentors. | Mesa County Partners | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Mesa | http://www.mesapartners.org | 2023 | |
14041 | Senior Resource Development Agency | $10,000 | Pueblo | To support the Meals on Wheels program for senior citizens. | Senior Resource Development Agency | Senior Programs | Pueblo | https://www.srda.org/ | 2023 | |
14042 | Families Plus | $10,000 | Delta | General operating support to provide wraparound counseling, mentoring, skill-building, and educational support services to at-risk children. | Families Plus | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Delta | http://familiesplus.net | 2023 | |
14043 | La Plata Family Centers Coalition | $5,000 | La Plata | General operating support to build healthy communities by promoting and supporting the growth and development of families. | La Plata Family Centers Coalition | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | La Plata | http://www.lpfcc.org | 2023 | |
14044 | Boys and Girls Club of La Plata County | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support for a high-quality afterschool program for youth in La Plata County. | Boys and Girls Club of La Plata County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | La Plata | http://www.bgclaplata.org | 2023 | |
14045 | Teller Senior Coalition | $10,000 | Teller | General operating support to provide essential services to help keep seniors active and living independently in Teller and eastern Park Counties. | Teller Senior Coalition | Senior Programs | Teller | http://www.tellerseniorcoalition.org | 2023 | |
14046 | Altitude Community Fitness | $7,500 | Custer | General operating support for an accessible, multi-purpose activity center to support the health and quality of life for all residents and visitors. | Altitude Community Fitness | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Custer | http://altitudecommunityfitness.org | 2023 | |
14047 | Sargent Early Learning Center | $7,500 | Rio Grande | General operating support for an early learning center serving children ages 1-5 years old in Saguache, Alamosa, and Rio Grande Counties. | Sargent Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Rio Grande | http://Sargentearlylearning.wix.com/selc | 2023 | |
14048 | The Family Resource Center | $10,000 | Logan | General operating support to provide programming for youth and parents that supports and strengthens families. | The Family Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Logan | https://www.frcsterling.org/ | 2023 | |
14049 | Colorado Friendship | $8,500 | Boulder | To support the IncrEdibles program, which provides weekly distribution of food backpacks to underserved elementary school students. | Colorado Friendship | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | http://www.coloradofriendship.org | 2023 | |
14055 | Fort Morgan Humane Society | $7,500 | Morgan | General operating support to assist with animal care for low-income families. | Fort Morgan Humane Society | Humane Animal Services | Morgan | http://www.FortMorganHumaneSociety.com | 2023 | |
14056 | Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center, Inc. | $7,500 | Fremont | General operating support to provide advocacy, education, and promote healing for children and their non-offending caregivers who have suffered from sexual or physical abuse. | Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Fremont | http://www.kindredkidscac.org | 2023 | |
14057 | Little Treasures Preschool | $7,500 | Conejos | General operating support for an early childhood education center serving Conejos County. | Little Treasures Preschool | Early Childhood Development | Conejos | http://www.littletreasurespre.com | 2023 | |
14058 | Society of St. Vincent de Paul Denver Metro Council | $7,500 | Denver | To support the Ozanam Housing Fund and assist struggling individuals with rent or mortgage assistance. | Society of St. Vincent de Paul Denver Metro Council | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | http://svdpden.org | 2023 | |
14059 | Project Safeguard | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support for the provision of free civil legal assistance and representation to victims of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. | Project Safeguard | Crisis Intervention | Denver | http://psghelps.org/ | 2023 | |
14060 | Tiny Hands Daycare Center, Inc. | $7,500 | Costilla | General operating support to provide subsidized childcare services in Costilla County. | Tiny Hands Daycare Center, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Costilla | 2023 | ||
14061 | Wray Community Learning Center | $7,500 | Yuma | General operating support for an educational and developmental childcare center. | Wray Community Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Yuma | http://www.wraykids.com | 2023 | |
14062 | South-Central Colorado Seniors, Inc. | $7,500 | Alamosa | General operating support to assist older persons in leading independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their own homes in the San Luis Valley. | South-Central Colorado Seniors, Inc. | Senior Programs | Alamosa | http://www.slvaaa.org | 2023 | |
14063 | The Buddy Program | $8,500 | Garfield | To support at-risk youth in Carbondale, Glenwood Springs and Rifle through mentoring and leadership development experiences. | The Buddy Program | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | http://www.BuddyProgram.org | 2023 | |
14064 | Aurora Interfaith Community Services | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to assist Aurora residents with basic needs: food, clothing, transportation, and rental and utility assistance. | Aurora Interfaith Community Services | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Adams | http://www.aurorainterfaithcommunityservices.org | 2023 | |
14065 | The Denver Voice | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to empower individuals experiencing homelessness, poverty, or those in need with an opportunity to work and earn an immediate income through the distribution of a street newspaper. | The Denver Voice | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | http://denvervoice.org | 2023 | |
14066 | Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide adult education programs that include English-language acquisition, family literacy, paraprofessional training, and high school equivalency preparation. | Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | http://springinstitute.org | 2023 | |
14067 | Yampatika | $7,500 | Routt | To support youth environmental stewardship through outdoor educational opportunities. | Yampatika | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Routt | http://www.yampatika.org | 2023 | |
14068 | Four Corners Child Advocacy Center | $7,500 | Montezuma | General operating support to provide a variety of services for children and their families experiencing the trauma of child abuse. | Four Corners Child Advocacy Center | Crisis Intervention | Montezuma | http://nestcac.org | 2023 | |
14069 | Tu Casa, Inc. | $8,500 | Alamosa | General operating support to provide services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in the San Luis Valley. | Tu Casa, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Alamosa | http://www.slvtucasa.net/ | 2023 | |
14070 | Youthentity | $10,000 | Garfield | General operating support to help prepare youth for future success through financial literacy, business entrepreneurship, technological skills training, and real-life experiences. | Youthentity | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Garfield | http://youthentity.org | 2023 | |
14071 | SafeHouse Denver, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to assist women and children who are seeking safety from domestic violence. | SafeHouse Denver, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Denver | http://www.safehouse-denver.org | 2023 | |
14072 | Adoption Options | $10,000 | Denver | To support the Flexible Families Program which supports families in adopting children from the foster care system. | Adoption Options | Crisis Intervention | Denver | http://adoption-options.com | 2023 | |
14073 | Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County | $8,000 | Archuleta | General operating support to provide financial assistance, resources, and community for Veterans in need. | Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Archuleta | http://Vets4VetsPSCO.org | 2023 | |
14074 | Careers in Construction Colorado | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support to offer students pre-apprenticeship training, job placements, and opportunities to develop relationships within the construction industry. | Careers in Construction Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | El Paso | http://www.ciccolorado.org | 2023 | |
14075 | Family Resource Center of the Roaring Fork Schools | $10,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide supportive services to low-income students and families in the Roaring Fork Valley School District to improve student health, well-being, and academic achievement. | Family Resource Center of the Roaring Fork Schools | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Garfield | https://familyresourcecenter-fs-rfsd.com/ | 2023 | |
14076 | Kids' Pasta Project | $5,000 | Delta | General operating support to provide youth volunteers the opportunity to support nonprofit organizations while learning restaurant skills and social entrepreneurship. | Kids' Pasta Project | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Delta | http://www.kidspastaproject.org | 2023 | |
14077 | The FAX Partnership | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to strengthen and support those who live and work along the east Colfax corridor. | The FAX Partnership | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://thefaxdenver.com | 2023 | |
14078 | Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc. | $5,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide affordable, quality preschool education to at-risk children. | Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Larimer | http://www.thompsonvalleypreschool.org | 2023 | |
14079 | Phillips County Family Education Services, Inc. | $6,500 | Phillips | General operating support for a literacy program that includes ESL and GED instruction. | Phillips County Family Education Services, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Phillips | http://www.pcfamilyed.com | 2023 | |
14080 | Women's Wilderness | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide experiential outdoor opportunities for young women that builds courage, confidence, and leadership skills. | Women's Wilderness | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Boulder | https://womenswilderness.org/ | 2023 | |
14081 | Colorado East Community Action Agency | $10,000 | Lincoln | General operating support to stabilize families living in rural communities by moving them out of poverty by promoting and advocating for self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and asset-building. | Colorado East Community Action Agency | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Lincoln | http://www.cecaa.org | 2023 | |
14082 | The Alliance | $8,000 | Chaffee | General operating support for domestic violence and sexual assault victim advocacy programs. | The Alliance | Crisis Intervention | Chaffee | http://www.alliancechaffee.org | 2023 | |
14083 | Growing Home | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to provide emergency housing, food, and supportive services to families in Adams County experiencing or at risk of homelessness. | Growing Home | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Adams | http://growinghome.org | 2023 | |
14084 | TLC Learning Center | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support for inclusive preschool education, parent education, and integrated pediatric therapy services for children from economically disadvantaged families. | TLC Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Boulder | http://www.learningwithtlc.org | 2023 | |
14085 | Wellspring Community | $10,000 | Douglas | General operating support to create a community where adults with special needs are empowered to live full, productive, and satisfying lives. | Wellspring Community | People with Disabilities | Douglas | http://www.wearewellspring.org | 2023 | |
14086 | We Don't Waste | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to coordinate the collection of food from suppliers and delivery to community agencies. | We Don't Waste | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Adams | http://www.wedontwaste.org | 2023 | |
14087 | Rose Andom Center | $10,000 | Denver | To support Camp and Pathways to Hope, a year-round program that supports children who have experienced trauma through mentorship and a summer sleep-away camp. | Rose Andom Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | http://www.roseandomcenter.org | 2023 | |
14088 | Clothes to Kids of Denver, Inc. | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide new and quality used clothing to low-income, school-aged children in the Denver Metro Area, free of charge. | Clothes to Kids of Denver, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | https://clothestokidsdenver.org/ | 2023 | |
14089 | Wings Foundation | $7,500 | Denver | To support services and support groups for adult victims of childhood sexual abuse in rural Colorado. | Wings Foundation | Crisis Intervention | Denver | http://www.wingsfound.org | 2023 | |
14090 | Child Advocates - Denver CASA | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to recruit, train, and supervise volunteers to provide advocacy services to abused and neglected children through Denver Juvenile Court. | Child Advocates - Denver CASA | Crisis Intervention | Denver | http://www.denvercasa.org | 2023 | |
14091 | Full Circle of Lake County, Inc. | $10,000 | Lake | General operating support for a family resource center that bolsters protective factors and reduces risk factors at the individual and family levels. | Full Circle of Lake County, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Lake | http://www.fullcircleleadville.org | 2023 | |
14092 | Listen Foundation, Inc. | $7,500 | Arapahoe | To support the Children's Listening and Spoken Language Therapy Program teaching deaf and hearing-impaired children in rural Colorado to listen and talk. | Listen Foundation, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Arapahoe | http://www.listenfoundation.org | 2023 | |
14093 | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support for a mentoring program matching adults with local at-risk youth. | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | La Plata | http://www.bbig.org | 2023 | |
14094 | Sopris Sun LLC | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide news and event coverage to the town of Carbondale and its surrounding unincorporated areas. | Sopris Sun LLC | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Garfield | http://www.soprissun.com | 2023 | |
14095 | Durango Early Learning Center | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support for an early learning center providing early childhood education and kindergarten readiness skills to children in La Plata County. | Durango Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | La Plata | http://www.durangoearlylearning.com | 2023 | |
14096 | Beyond Barriers Kansas, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities into the community of their choice. | Beyond Barriers Kansas, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Outside of Colorado | https://www.beyondbarriersks.com/ | 2023 | |
14097 | Westside CARES | $8,000 | El Paso | General operating support to meet basic needs and provide emergency assistance to low-income families and individuals on the west side of Colorado Springs. | Westside CARES | Food/Shelter/Homeless | El Paso | http://www.westsidecares.org | 2023 | |
14098 | Center for Counseling & Consultation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide professional, licensed mental health services to rural central Kansas. | Center for Counseling & Consultation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of Colorado | http://www.thecentergb.org | 2023 | |
14099 | Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to help people with disabilities achieve their employment and independence goals. | Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Outside of Colorado | http://www.cprf.org | 2023 | |
14100 | Liberal Area Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Services, Inc. | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. | Liberal Area Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Services, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | http://www.larcdvs.com | 2023 | |
14101 | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to ensure underserved communities in Wichita, KS have access to reproductive health care. | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | http://www.trustwomen.org | 2023 | |
14102 | CEDS Finance | $7,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to assist refugees, immigrants, and underserved communities who desire to own or strengthen businesses, develop assets, and empower themselves financially. | CEDS Finance | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Arapahoe | http://www.cedsfinance.org | 2023 | |
14103 | BGOLDN | $7,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to reduce food insecurity among families in Jefferson County. | BGOLDN | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Jefferson | http://www.bgoldn.org | 2023 | |
14104 | Alternative Horizons Corporation | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support to provide a crisis hotline and services to victims of domestic violence. | Alternative Horizons Corporation | Crisis Intervention | La Plata | http://www.alternativehorizons.org | 2023 | |
14105 | Team Rubicon | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to help communities prepare, respond, and recover from disasters and humanitarian crises. | Team Rubicon | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | http://teamrubiconusa.org | 2023 | |
14106 | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to ensure underserved communities in Wichita, KS have access to reproductive health care. | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Outside of Colorado | http://www.trustwomen.org | 2023 | |
14107 | Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids (P.A.R.K.) | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide education, recreation, and community service opportunities to youth in Arkansas. | Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids (P.A.R.K.) | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Outside of Colorado | https://www.positivekids.org | 2023 | |
14108 | KC Pet Project | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide a compassionate, safe community for pets and people. | KC Pet Project | Humane Animal Services | Outside of Colorado | https://kcpetproject.org | 2023 | |
14109 | St. Anne's Episcopal School | $2,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide a nurturing environment where each child builds character and integrity, in order to make significant and lasting contributions to society. | St. Anne's Episcopal School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | http://www.st-annes.org | 2023 | |
14110 | Veterans Community Project | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support for housing, referral, and outreach programs that serve Veterans in Colorado. | Veterans Community Project | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Boulder | https://www.veteranscommunityproject.org/vcp-colorado | 2023 | |
14111 | Gofarm | $7,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to train and support local farmers, connect communities with local agriculture and increase equitable access to nutrient-rich food grown in Colorado. | Gofarm | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Jefferson | http://www.gofarm.org | 2023 | |
14112 | Guidestone Colorado | $8,500 | Chaffee | General operating support to strengthen the local food economy through the preservation of agricultural resources and education for ecological literacy. | Guidestone Colorado | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Chaffee | https://guidestonecolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
14113 | Growing Gardens of Boulder County, Inc. | $7,500 | Boulder | To support programs that give greater access and choice of affordable produce for low-income families and provide skills to increase their self-reliance in meeting their food needs. | Growing Gardens of Boulder County, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Boulder | http://www.growinggardens.org | 2023 | |
14114 | Habitat for Humanity of Archuleta County | $7,500 | Archuleta | General operating support to provide low-income housing to families needing assistance and programs to break the cycle of poverty. | Habitat for Humanity of Archuleta County | Low-Income Housing | Archuleta | http://HabitatArchuleta.org | 2023 | |
14115 | Spencer Museum of Art | $10,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support Spencer Museum of Art?s mission of sustaining a culturally diverse art collection and encouraging exploration of art and ideas. | Spencer Museum of Art | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Outside of Colorado | http://spencerart.ku.edu | 2023 | |
14116 | South Park City | $5,000 | Park | General operating support to preserve and restore historic buildings in South Park City, CO. | South Park City | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Park | http://www.southparkcity.org | 2023 | |
14117 | Lawrence Humane Society | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support the Crisis Pet Retention Program, which provides resources to pet owners experiencing crises such as poverty, being unhoused, or job loss. | Lawrence Humane Society | Humane Animal Services | Outside of Colorado | http://lawrencehumane.org/ | 2023 | |
14118 | The Gathering Place | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide day services for impoverished women and children. | The Gathering Place | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | https://tgpdenver.org/ | 2023 | |
14119 | Friends of the Children - Colorado Springs | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support to provide holistic, wraparound, professional mentoring services to children and their caregivers. | Friends of the Children - Colorado Springs | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | El Paso | http://www.friendscoloradosprings.org/ | 2023 | |
14120 | Morgan County Family Center | $10,000 | Morgan | General operating support to provide services that link families to needed resources for successful living. | Morgan County Family Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Morgan | http://www.morganfamilycenter.org | 2023 | |
14121 | Almost Home, Inc. | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to promote self-sufficiency and provide assistance to those individuals and families experiencing housing instability. | Almost Home, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Adams | https://www.almosthomeonline.org/ | 2023 | |
14122 | Denver Kids, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | To support the Educational Counseling Program, which provides integrated mentoring and case management services to students at risk of dropping out of school. | Denver Kids, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | http://www.denverkids.org/ | 2023 | |
14123 | Little Engine Eatery | $10,000 | Chaffee | General operating support to provide paid work experience and job training for neurodivergent people, enabling them to obtain and maintain meaningful employment. | Little Engine Eatery | People with Disabilities | Chaffee | http://www.achievelifeskills.org | 2023 | |
14124 | Rising Up | $10,000 | Morgan | General operating support to fight poverty in Morgan County via a warming center, client choice food pantry, rental assistance program, and resource and referral. | Rising Up | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Morgan | http://www.risingupmorgancounty.com | 2023 | |
14125 | Food for Hope | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to nourish Adams County children through weekend food bags, school snacks, in-school food banks, and Thanksgiving dinners. | Food for Hope | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Adams | http://foodforhope.net/ | 2023 | |
14126 | The Delores Project | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide safe, comfortable shelter and personalized supportive services for women experiencing homelessness. | The Delores Project | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | http://www.thedeloresproject.org | 2023 | |
14127 | Housed Working and Healthy | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to help people gain self-sufficiency through housing, workforce development, job placement, and housing navigation. | Housed Working and Healthy | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | http://www.housedworkingandhealthy.org | 2023 | |
14128 | Freedom Service Dogs of America | $10,000 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide custom-trained dogs to Colorado veterans, adults and youth with mobility or other impairments. | Freedom Service Dogs of America | People with Disabilities | Arapahoe | http://www.freedomservicedogs.org | 2023 | |
14129 | Compañeros: Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center | $5,000 | La Plata | General operating support to assist immigrants in gaining self-sufficiency through service navigation, legal and tax assistance, and educational opportunities. | Compañeros: Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | La Plata | https://www.companeros.org | 2023 | |
14130 | Assistance League of Pueblo | $7,500 | Pueblo | To support Operation School Bell, a program that provides new school clothes for underprivileged children in Pueblo. | Assistance League of Pueblo | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Pueblo | https://assistanceleaguepueblo.org/ | 2023 | |
14131 | Family Housing Network of Fort Collins | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to serve families experiencing homelessness in the emergency shelter and day center programs. | Family Housing Network of Fort Collins | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Larimer | http://www.familyhousingnetwork.org | 2023 | |
14132 | Smart Bellies | $7,500 | Summit | To support a weekend food program that provides bags of nutritious food to school-aged children. | Smart Bellies | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Summit | http://www.smartbellies.org | 2023 | |
14133 | Colorado Nonprofit Association | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to lead, serve, and strengthen Colorado's nonprofit community to improve the quality of life throughout our state. | Colorado Nonprofit Association | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver | http://www.coloradononprofits.org | 2023 | |
14134 | Mariposa Center for Safety | $10,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to empower survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault through education, prevention, client advocacy, and emergency service. | Mariposa Center for Safety | Crisis Intervention | Pueblo | http://www.mariposacs.org | 2023 | |
14135 | El Comité de Longmont, Inc. | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for wraparound services to promote self-sufficiency in the Latino and non-Latino communities. | El Comité de Longmont, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Boulder | http://www.elcomitelongmont.org | 2023 | |
14136 | Limon Child Development Center | $7,500 | Lincoln | General operating support for preschool programs with wraparound childcare for working parents. | Limon Child Development Center | Early Childhood Development | Lincoln | https://www.facebook.com/p/Limon-Child-Development-Center-100063530534700/ | 2023 | |
14137 | St. George Episcopal Mission | $10,000 | Lake | General operating support for a food bank and community meals program in rural Lake County. | St. George Episcopal Mission | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Lake | https://www.saintgeorgeleadville.com/ | 2023 | |
14138 | Su Teatro | $10,000 | Denver | To support youth empowerment, development of leadership skills, and career preparation in the arts and nonprofit field through the El Teatro VolARTE and Employment Program. | Su Teatro | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | http://www.suteatro.org | 2023 | |
14139 | Community Partnership Family Resource Center | $10,000 | Teller | General operating support to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect in Teller County. | Community Partnership Family Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Teller | http://www.cpteller.org | 2023 | |
14140 | Advocates for Children | $10,000 | Douglas | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates and services for children in dependency and neglect cases. | Advocates for Children | Crisis Intervention | Douglas | http://www.adv4children.org | 2023 | |
14141 | Warren Village, Inc. | $25,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide supportive, transitional housing for low-income, single-parent families, an on-site early childhood education center, and a workforce development initiative. | Warren Village, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | http://www.warrenvillage.org | 2023 | |
14143 | Catholic Charities Western Slope | $8,500 | Garfield | General operating support for the Western Slope Regional Office to help struggling individuals and families meet basic needs, emergency assistance, and work toward being self-reliant. | Catholic Charities Western Slope | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Garfield | https://ccdenver.org/ | 2023 | |
14144 | The Blue Bench | $8,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide crisis intervention, case management, counseling, and prevention education programs for survivors of sexual assault. | The Blue Bench | Crisis Intervention | j | http://www.thebluebench.org | 2023 | |
14145 | Community Foundation of the San Luis Valley | $10,000 | Alamosa | General operating support to enhance the lives of San Luis Valley residents through leadership development, capacity building, and technical assistance. | Community Foundation of the San Luis Valley | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Alamosa | https://www.cfslv.org/ | 2023 | |
14146 | KDNK Community Radio | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide public access radio that connects community members to one another and the world. | KDNK Community Radio | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Garfield | http://kdnk.org | 2023 | |
14147 | Heart & Hand Center | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide after-school programming for at-risk youth and their families in Northeast Denver. | Heart & Hand Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver | http://www.heartandhandcenter.org | 2023 | |
14148 | Mile High Ministries | $10,000 | Denver | To support Joshua Station, which empowers homeless and low-income families through supportive housing and programming, including counseling, job services, education, and youth activities. | Mile High Ministries | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | http://www.milehighmin.org | 2023 | |
14149 | Re:Vision | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to increase access to fresh, healthy foods, business incubation, and supportive services for low-income residents in the Westwood neighborhood. | Re:Vision | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver | http://www.revision.coop | 2023 | |
14150 | Mesa County RSVP, Inc. | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support to connect seniors with organizations needing volunteers. | Mesa County RSVP, Inc. | Senior Programs | Mesa | http://www.rsvpgrandjunction.org | 2023 | |
14151 | Blue Sky Bridge | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide child abuse intervention, education, and advocacy, increasing the safety of Boulder County's children and families. | Blue Sky Bridge | Crisis Intervention | Boulder | http://www.blueskybridge.org | 2023 | |
14152 | Creede Early Learning Center | $7,000 | Mineral | General operating support to provide quality early childhood services. | Creede Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Mineral | http://www.creedeearlylearningcenter.com | 2023 | |
14153 | Eagle Valley Community Foundation | $7,500 | Eagle | To support the sourcing of fresh produce for the Community Markets and pop-up Mobile Markets to ensure low-income families in the Eagle River Valley have access to healthy food. | Eagle Valley Community Foundation | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Eagle | http://www.eaglevalleycf.org | 2023 | |
14154 | HomewardBound of the Grand Valley | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support to provide shelter and case management services to homeless adults and families in the Grand Valley. | HomewardBound of the Grand Valley | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Mesa | https://homewardboundgv.org/ | 2023 | |
14155 | Family Learning Center | $7,500 | Eagle | General operating support to provide an affordable, quality early childhood learning program in Eagle County. | Family Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Eagle | http://www.flcedwards.org | 2023 | |
14156 | Manna Soup Kitchen | $15,000 | La Plata | General operating support to provide healthy, nourishing meals and comprehensive support services for individuals and families in need. | Manna Soup Kitchen | Food/Shelter/Homeless | La Plata | http://MannaSoupKitchen.org | 2023 | |
14157 | Latino Leadership Institute | $7,500 | Arapahoe | To support the Ignite Leadership Program, which helps advance Latino entrepreneurs from high potential to high growth. | Latino Leadership Institute | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Arapahoe | http://www.latinoslead.org | 2023 | |
14158 | Center for Independence | $8,500 | Mesa | General operating support to promote community solutions and empower individuals with a disability to live independently. | Center for Independence | People with Disabilities | Mesa | http://www.cfigj.org | 2023 | |
14159 | Jeffco Eats | $8,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to reduce the number of children experiencing hunger in Jefferson County while increasing nutritional intake through healthy, quality foods. | Jeffco Eats | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Jefferson | https://jeffcoeats.org/ | 2023 | |
14160 | A Woman's Place, Inc. | $10,000 | Weld | General operating support for a domestic violence shelter and services in Weld County. | A Woman's Place, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Weld | http://awpdv.org | 2023 | |
14161 | St. Francis Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a variety of emergency and supportive services for persons currently homeless or recently homeless in Denver. | St. Francis Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | http://www.sfcdenver.org | 2023 | |
14162 | UpRoot Colorado | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to harvest and redistribute surplus, nutrient-dense foods from farms to hunger relief centers across Colorado. | UpRoot Colorado | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Garfield | http://www.uprootcolorado.org/ | 2023 | |
14163 | Haven of Hope | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide food, shelter, and other basic needs to the homeless. | Haven of Hope | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver | http://www.thoh.org | 2023 | |
14164 | University of Colorado Denver | $20,000 | Alamosa | To support the San Luis Valley's National History Day, a program that promotes historical inquiry, knowledge, and understanding among elementary and secondary school students. | University of Colorado Denver | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Alamosa | https://clas.ucdenver.edu/nhdc/ | 2023 | |
14206 | 5 Loaves Pantry | $7,500 | Bent | General operating support for a food pantry serving residents of Bent County. | 5 Loaves Pantry | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southeast | http://5loavespantry.org | 2024 | |
14207 | A Precious Child, Inc. | $10,000 | Broomfield | General operating support to provide children in need with opportunities and resources to empower them to achieve their full potential. | A Precious Child, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://apreciouschild.org/ | 2024 | |
14208 | A Shared Vision | $10,000 | Broomfield | General operating support to ensure children with visual impairments, from birth to age three, receive essential early intervention vision services from a community of highly skilled and collaborative professionals. | A Shared Vision | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | http://www.asharedvision.org | 2024 | |
14209 | Adaptive Sports Center | $8,500 | Gunnison | General operating support to provide year-round adaptive recreation for people with disabilities. | Adaptive Sports Center | People with Disabilities | San Juan | http://www.adaptivesports.org | 2024 | |
14210 | Advocates for Victims of Assault, Inc. | $10,000 | Summit | General operating support to provide housing, legal advocacy, a hotline, and outreach opportunities for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trauma. | Advocates for Victims of Assault, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Heart of Colorado | http://summitadvocates.org | 2024 | |
14211 | ALiGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking) | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a fresh start for human trafficking survivors by rapidly matching survivor legal needs with untapped expertise. | ALiGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking) | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | http://alightnet.org | 2024 | |
14212 | Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide mentoring, enrichment opportunities, and supportive services for economically disadvantaged youth in Larimer County. | Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Northern Front Range | http://www.begreatlarimer.org | 2024 | |
14213 | Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center | $8,500 | Summit | General operating support for accessible and affordable outdoor programs for low-income individuals with disabilities and special needs. | Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center | People with Disabilities | Heart of Colorado | http://www.boec.org | 2024 | |
14214 | Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. | $12,500 | Jefferson | To support the Home Modification and Repair Program and Paint-A-Thon Program for low-income seniors and disabled homeowners. | Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. | Senior Programs | Denver Metro Area | http://brothersredevelopment.org/ | 2024 | |
14215 | Canine Partners of the Rockies | $8,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to assist Coloradans with disabilities to lead more independent lives through partnership with highly skilled assistance dogs. | Canine Partners of the Rockies | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | https://www.cpotr.org/ | 2024 | |
14216 | Canon Literacy Center, Inc. | $8,500 | Fremont | General operating support to assist children in Fremont County to become life-long learners through free literacy programs. | Canon Literacy Center, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Heart of Colorado | http://www.canonliteracy.org | 2024 | |
14217 | Capitol Hill Community Services | $8,000 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide meals for the homeless. | Capitol Hill Community Services | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.mealsforpoor.org | 2024 | |
14218 | CASA of Adams & Broomfield Counties | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to provide a volunteer's voice in court for children who are victims of abuse and neglect or involved in truancy cases. | CASA of Adams & Broomfield Counties | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | https://casa17th.org | 2024 | |
14219 | CASA of the Continental Divide | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates for children in dependency and neglect cases in the Fifth Judicial District. | CASA of the Continental Divide | Crisis Intervention | Heart of Colorado | http://www.mtncasa.org | 2024 | |
14220 | Catholic Charities of Southern Colorado | $12,000 | Pueblo | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen economically disadvantaged families in southern Colorado. | Catholic Charities of Southern Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Southeast | http://www.ccsoco.org | 2024 | |
14221 | Center for Children | $8,500 | Mesa | General operating support to provide comprehensive services to victims of child sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, trafficking, and witnesses to violence and their non-offending family members. | Center for Children | Crisis Intervention | Western Slope | www.centerforchildrencac.org | 2024 | |
14222 | Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support Gold Star Scholars providing financial assistance for undergraduate degrees for children who have lost a parent in the line of military duty. | Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Out of State | http://www.fallenpatriots.org | 2024 | |
14223 | Children's Center of Wayne County, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to cover unmet needs of vulnerable children, in honor of Frank Couzens Jr., Frank Couzens III, and Mike Crandall. | Children's Center of Wayne County, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Out of State | http://www.thechildrenscenter.com/ | 2024 | |
14224 | Childrens Literacy Center | $8,500 | El Paso | To support free afterschool literacy tutoring for children in La Junta and Manzanola. | Childrens Literacy Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southeast | http://www.childrensliteracycenter.org | 2024 | |
14225 | ChildSafe Colorado, Inc. | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support for programs that serve child victims of sexual abuse and their non-offending family members. | ChildSafe Colorado, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Northern Front Range | http://www.childsafecolorado.org | 2024 | |
14226 | Colorado Dream Foundation | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to assist low-income, at-risk children through a long-term intervention program that encourages academic growth and higher education. | Colorado Dream Foundation | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | https://www.coloradodream.org/ | 2024 | |
14227 | Colorado Farm to Table, Inc. | $8,500 | Chaffee | General operating support to grow, harvest, and distribute fresh produce to food banks, soup kitchens, and food pantries across Colorado. | Colorado Farm to Table, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Heart of Colorado | http://coloradofarmtotable.org | 2024 | |
14228 | Colorado Vincentian Volunteers | $7,500 | Denver | To support the placement of full-time young adult volunteers in agencies providing direct service food and shelter for individuals in need. | Colorado Vincentian Volunteers | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver Metro Area | https://covivo.org/ | 2024 | |
14229 | Community Food Share | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support for food collection and distribution efforts in Boulder and Broomfield Counties. | Community Food Share | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.communityfoodshare.org | 2024 | |
14230 | Community Ministry | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide emergency food assistance for low-income individuals and families. | Community Ministry | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://comministry-denver.org/ | 2024 | |
14231 | Community Table | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide low-income households with emergency food as well as self-sufficiency programs and services. | Community Table | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://cotable.org | 2024 | |
14232 | Connections 4 Kids | $7,500 | Moffat | General operating support to strengthen resources and services for children 0-8 years of age and their families in Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties. | Connections 4 Kids | Early Childhood Development | Northwest | http://connections4kids.org | 2024 | |
14233 | Custer County Community Sharing Center, Inc. | $10,000 | Custer | General operating support to provide food to individuals and families who struggle to make ends meet in Custer County. | Custer County Community Sharing Center, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Heart of Colorado | https://www.wmvcf.org/nonprofit/custer-county-community-sharing-center/ | 2024 | |
14234 | Denver Asset Building Coalition | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support for tax preparation services that result in more than $8 million in tax refunds for low-income taxpayers. | Denver Asset Building Coalition | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | http://www.denverabc.org | 2024 | |
14235 | Denver Food Rescue | $10,000 | Denver | To support the No Cost Grocery Program that provides healthy food to those without access in Denver, Arapahoe, and Adams Counties. | Denver Food Rescue | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.denverfoodrescue.org | 2024 | |
14236 | Denver Inner City Parish | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for critical community services provided to under-served, low-income, and at-risk communities in Denver. | Denver Inner City Parish | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.dicp.org | 2024 | |
14237 | DIRT (Divergent Inclusive Representation Transforms) | $8,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to cultivate intentional workspaces for neurodivergent individuals to gain meaningful and integrated employment through a coffee bar social enterprise. | DIRT (Divergent Inclusive Representation Transforms) | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | http://www.dirtcoffee.org | 2024 | |
14238 | Dress for Success Denver | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide disadvantaged women with professional attire, a network of support, and career development tools for economic independence. | Dress for Success Denver | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://denver.dressforsuccess.org/ | 2024 | |
14239 | elevateHER | $8,500 | Chaffee | General operating support to increase self-sufficiency and employment opportunities for female youth grades 6-12 in Chaffee County. | elevateHER | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Heart of Colorado | http://www.elevateherco.org | 2024 | |
14240 | Emergency Family Assistance Association, Inc. | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide basic necessities to people who need help. | Emergency Family Assistance Association, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.efaa.org | 2024 | |
14241 | English in Action | $8,500 | Eagle | General operating support to provide immigrant adults in the Roaring Fork Valley with individualized English language tutoring and opportunities for leadership development. | English in Action | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Western Slope | http://www.englishinaction.org | 2024 | |
14242 | Envida | $8,500 | El Paso | To support specialized transportation services for individuals with disabilities and older adults in El Paso and Teller Counties. | Envida | People with Disabilities | Southern Front Range | https://envidacares.org/ | 2024 | |
14243 | Escuela de Guadalupe | $20,000 | Denver | General operating support to uplift students by offering an education that integrates Spanish and English bi-literacy, Catholic values, and academic rigor. | Escuela de Guadalupe | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | http://www.escuelaguadalupe.org | 2024 | |
14244 | Escuela de Guadalupe | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to uplift students by offering an education that integrates Spanish and English bi-literacy, Catholic values, and academic rigor. | Escuela de Guadalupe | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | http://www.escuelaguadalupe.org | 2024 | |
14245 | Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success (EVICS) Family Resource Center | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families in Estes Park. | Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success (EVICS) Family Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northern Front Range | http://www.evics.org | 2024 | |
14246 | Focus Points Family Resource Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide adult education and self-sufficiency programs to low-income, Spanish-speaking families in northeast Denver. | Focus Points Family Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://www.focuspoints.org | 2024 | |
14247 | Food to Power | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support for a neighborhood food center that provides fresh food access, education, and production. | Food to Power | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southern Front Range | https://foodtopowerco.org/ | 2024 | |
14248 | Garfield County Search and Rescue, Inc. | $5,000 | Garfield | To support search and rescue services for the residents and guests of Garfield County. | Garfield County Search and Rescue, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Western Slope | http://www.garfieldcountysar.com | 2024 | |
14249 | Golden Age Center & Fremont County Transit | $8,500 | Fremont | General operating support for nutrition, transit, and social recreation programs for older adults and people with disabilities. | Golden Age Center & Fremont County Transit | Senior Programs | Heart of Colorado | http://canoncitygac.wixsite.com/goldenagecenter | 2024 | |
14250 | Grand Beginnings | $10,000 | Grand | To support the Child Care Resource and Referral Program to work with families and licensed early care programs to strengthen comprehensive early childhood service and supports. | Grand Beginnings | Early Childhood Development | Northwest | http://www.grandbeginnings.org | 2024 | |
14251 | Grassroots Foundation, Inc. | $7,500 | Yuma | General operating support for a rural community center that provides meals to seniors, a food bank, and youth programs. | Grassroots Foundation, Inc. | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Northeast | https://www.grassrootscenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14252 | Greeley Family House, Inc. | $8,500 | Weld | General operating support to provide emergency shelter and self-sufficiency programs for families experiencing homelessness. | Greeley Family House, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northern Front Range | https://www.greeleyfamilyhouse.org/ | 2024 | |
14253 | Gunnison Country Food Pantry | $10,000 | Gunnison | General operating support to address food insecurity in Gunnison. | Gunnison Country Food Pantry | Food/Shelter/Homeless | San Juan | http://gunnisoncountryfoodpantry.org | 2024 | |
14254 | High Country Conservation Center | $8,500 | Summit | General operating support to provide local produce and hands-on growing experiences for low-income families and to promote solutions for waste reduction and resource conservation. | High Country Conservation Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Heart of Colorado | http://highcountryconservation.org/ | 2024 | |
14255 | Home Builders Foundation | $10,000 | Arapahoe | General operating support to help individuals with disabilities and their families live independent, elevated lives through no-cost home modifications. | Home Builders Foundation | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | http://www.hbfdenver.org | 2024 | |
14256 | Home Trust of Ouray County | $7,500 | Ouray | General operating support to provide permanently affordable housing and housing-related resources to moderate-income households in Ouray County. | Home Trust of Ouray County | Low-Income Housing | San Juan | http://www.hometrustoc.org | 2024 | |
14257 | Homeward Alliance | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support for The Murphy Center, a service hub for people experiencing homelessness or housing instability in Larimer County. | Homeward Alliance | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northern Front Range | http://www.homewardalliance.org | 2024 | |
14258 | Homeward Pikes Peak | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support for recovery services and housing for the most vulnerable in the Colorado Springs homeless and addicted populations. | Homeward Pikes Peak | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Southern Front Range | https://homewardpp.org/ | 2024 | |
14259 | Hope at Miracle House | $7,000 | Weld | General operating support to provide safe shelter and self-sufficiency services for families experiencing homelessness in Weld County. | Hope at Miracle House | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northern Front Range | http://hopeatmiraclehouse.org | 2024 | |
14260 | Huerfano-Las Animas Counties Early Childhood Council (HuLA) | $8,500 | Las Animas | To support the Parents as Teachers Home Visitation Program that promotes childhood development and positive parenting techniques for economically disadvantaged families. | Huerfano-Las Animas Counties Early Childhood Council (HuLA) | Early Childhood Development | Southeast | https://la-h-health.colorado.gov/ | 2024 | |
14261 | Ignite Adaptive Sports | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide outdoor recreational experiences for people with disabilities. | Ignite Adaptive Sports | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | https://igniteadaptivesports.org/ | 2024 | |
14262 | Juniper Southern Colorado | $8,500 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide crisis intervention and supportive services for victims of sexual assault in southeast Colorado. | Juniper Southern Colorado | Crisis Intervention | Southeast | https://rapecrisisservices.org/ | 2024 | |
14263 | Kids at their Best | $10,000 | Morgan | General operating support to provide leadership and enrichment opportunities for economically disadvantaged youth in northeast Colorado. | Kids at their Best | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Northeast | http://www.kidsattheirbest.org | 2024 | |
14264 | Kids in Need of Dentistry | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support for dental care services for children from low-income families. | Kids in Need of Dentistry | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | http://kindsmiles.org/ | 2024 | |
14265 | Kit Carson Rural Development | $10,000 | Cheyenne | General operating support to promote economic development and affordable housing in Kit Carson. | Kit Carson Rural Development | Low-Income Housing | Northeast | https://kitcarsonruraldevelopment.com | 2024 | |
14266 | KSJD | $7,500 | Montezuma | General operating support to grow and secure local news production and volunteer music curation, made available through digital and broadcast platforms. | KSJD | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Southwest | http://KSJD.org | 2024 | |
14267 | La Pinata del Aprendizaje | $9,000 | Denver | General operating support for early childhood educational programming with a two-generation approach in Montbello, Globeville Elyria-Swansea, and Thornton. | La Pinata del Aprendizaje | Early Childhood Development | Denver Metro Area | https://lapinatadelaprendizaje.org/en/ | 2024 | |
14268 | La Puente Home, Inc. | $25,000 | Alamosa | General operating support for essential human services for homeless and economically disadvantaged residents of the San Luis Valley. | La Puente Home, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | San Luis Valley | http://lapuentehome.org/ | 2024 | |
14269 | Little Sprouts Community Preschool | $7,500 | Delta | General operating support to provide an early childhood educational program and tuition assistance for low-income families. | Little Sprouts Community Preschool | Early Childhood Development | Western Slope | https://littlesproutsco.weebly.com/ | 2024 | |
14270 | Mancos Valley Dragonfly School | $7,500 | Montezuma | General operating support to provide Waldorf-inspired early childhood education for children ages 2 to 6 years old. | Mancos Valley Dragonfly School | Early Childhood Development | Southwest | https://mancosdragonflyschool.org/ | 2024 | |
14271 | Maslow Academy of Applied Learning | $7,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide early childhood education and tuition assistance for children ages 0-5 in Montrose County. | Maslow Academy of Applied Learning | Early Childhood Development | San Juan | http://www.maslowacademy.com | 2024 | |
14272 | Meals on Wheels Mesa County | $10,000 | Mesa | To support Meals on Wheels Mesa County promoting the independence, health and well-being of the elderly through quality nutritional services. | Meals on Wheels Mesa County | Senior Programs | Western Slope | https://mealsonwheelsmesacounty.org/ | 2024 | |
14273 | National Western Stock Show | $1,400 | Denver | To support the 2024-2025 Catch-a-Calf program for youth. | National Western Stock Show | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Colorado Statewide | https://nationalwestern.com/catch-a-calf-program/ | 2024 | |
14274 | Nederland Food Pantry | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for food and clothing assistance for low-income community members living in the rural Peak-to-Peak community. | Nederland Food Pantry | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://nederlandfoodpantry.org/ | 2024 | |
14275 | NeighborWorks Southern Colorado | $7,500 | Pueblo | To support financial literacy programs for economically disadvantaged, first-time homebuyers. | NeighborWorks Southern Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Southeast | http://nwsoco.org | 2024 | |
14276 | New Horizons Cooperative Preschool | $8,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide tuition and transportation assistance to low-income families. | New Horizons Cooperative Preschool | Early Childhood Development | Denver Metro Area | http://newhorizonsboulder.org | 2024 | |
14277 | North Fork Friends of Montessori | $6,500 | Delta | To provide scholarships for preschool tuition for low-income families. | North Fork Friends of Montessori | Early Childhood Development | Western Slope | https://nfmc.deltaschools.com/ | 2024 | |
14278 | North Fork Senior Connections | $7,000 | Delta | General operating support to help seniors age in place and in the community. | North Fork Senior Connections | Senior Programs | Western Slope | https://nfseniorconnections.org/ | 2024 | |
14279 | Northwest Colorado Health | $15,000 | Routt | To support the Haven Assisted Living and the Home and Community Based Services program providing non-medical support for homebound residents in Moffat County. | Northwest Colorado Health | Senior Programs | Northwest | http://northwestcoloradohealth.org/ | 2024 | |
14280 | Nourish Meals on Wheels | $8,500 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide hot, nutritious meals to the homebound elderly and disabled five days a week. | Nourish Meals on Wheels | Senior Programs | Denver Metro Area | http://nourishmealsonwheels.org | 2024 | |
14281 | Pararescue Foundation | $1,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of State | http://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2024 | |
14282 | Pararescue Foundation | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of State | http://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2024 | |
14283 | Pararescue Foundation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to preserve and support the Pararescue community of service members, veterans, and their families. | Pararescue Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Outside of State | http://www.pararescuefoundation.org/ | 2024 | |
14284 | Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray | $10,000 | Montrose | General operating support for youth mentoring programs and other supporting services in rural Delta, Montrose, and Ouray Counties. | Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Juan | http://partners-west.org | 2024 | |
14285 | Peak Education | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support to provide social-emotional education, mentoring, and college counseling to low-income families. | Peak Education | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southern Front Range | http://peakedu.org | 2024 | |
14286 | Philanthropy Southwest | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support the 2024 Annual Conference providing opportunities to exchange ideas, build relationships, and advance philanthropic excellence. | Philanthropy Southwest | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Out of State | https://www.philanthropysouthwest.org/ | 2024 | |
14287 | Pine River Shares | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support for an ongoing response to increasing food insecurity in the Pine River Valley. | Pine River Shares | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southwest | http://pinerivershares.org | 2024 | |
14288 | Posada | $12,500 | Pueblo | General operating support for shelter, housing, education, and employment resources for homeless individuals and families in Pueblo County. | Posada | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southeast | http://www.posadapueblo.org | 2024 | |
14289 | Prairie Family Center | $10,000 | Kit Carson | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families in northeast Colorado. | Prairie Family Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northeast | https://www.prairiefamilycenter.com | 2024 | |
14290 | Project PAVE, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support for violence prevention education and intervention services for impacted youth. | Project PAVE, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | http://www.projectpave.org | 2024 | |
14291 | Project Sanctuary | $10,000 | Grand | To support Colorado military families to heal and move forward in life through six-day therapeutic retreats in Colorado and post-retreat case management. | Project Sanctuary | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northwest | http://www.projectsanctuary.us | 2024 | |
14292 | Ralston House | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide a child-friendly place for investigations pertaining to allegations of child sexual abuse. | Ralston House | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | https://www.ralstonhouse.org/ | 2024 | |
14293 | Riverside Education Centers | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support to provide structured enrichment and social-emotional support services for disadvantaged K-12th grade Mesa County students. | Riverside Education Centers | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Western Slope | http://www.rec4kids.com/ | 2024 | |
14294 | Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers | $7,500 | Garfield | To support the Young Stewards Program to increase youth participation in conservation projects. | Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Western Slope | http://www.rfov.org | 2024 | |
14295 | Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to build capacity, provide services to rural businesses, and connect employees to ownership opportunities to strengthen rural economies. | Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver Metro Area | https://www.rmeoc.org/ | 2024 | |
14296 | Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to provide free legal services to immigrant children and families who are survivors of abuse, persecution or other violence. | Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | http://www.rmian.org/ | 2024 | |
14297 | Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide access to microloans and affordable business development services to nontraditional community entrepreneurs. | Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver Metro Area | http://www.rmmfi.org | 2024 | |
14298 | Rocky Mountain PBS | $20,000 | Denver | To support the production of Colorado Experience, an award-winning history series that explores the people, events and places that have shaped Colorado. | Rocky Mountain PBS | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver Metro Area | http://rmpbs.org | 2024 | |
14299 | Sacred Heart House of Denver | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide a continuum of services to single women and homeless mothers with children to enable them to secure stable housing and achieve and maintain self-sufficiency. | Sacred Heart House of Denver | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | http://www.sacredhearthouse.com | 2024 | |
14300 | Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide comprehensive services for low-income and underserved survivors of domestic violence and their children in Boulder and Broomfield Counties. | Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | http://www.safehousealliance.org | 2024 | |
14301 | Salisbury School | $10,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to educate young men of character and promise who are prepared to meet the challenges of college and adulthood, and to make a difference in an entrepreneurial, technological, and cosmopolitan world. | Salisbury School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Out of State | http://www.salisburyschool.org | 2024 | |
14302 | Salisbury School | $10,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to educate young men of character and promise who are prepared to meet the challenges of college and adulthood, and to make a difference in an entrepreneurial, technological, and cosmopolitan world. | Salisbury School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Out of State | http://www.salisburyschool.org | 2024 | |
14303 | SAME Café Denver | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide nutritional, healthy meals and job readiness training in the Denver Metro Area. | SAME Café Denver | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.soallmayeat.org | 2024 | |
14304 | San Juan Development Association | $7,500 | San Juan | General operating support to provide ongoing training and consulting for local businesses, and support economic development activities. | San Juan Development Association | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Southwest | https://sanjuandevelopment.com/ | 2024 | |
14305 | San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | $10,000 | Alamosa | General operating support to connect family farms, ranches, and their products with the schools, restaurants, retail outlets, and institutions in the San Luis Valley. | San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | San Luis Valley | http://slvlocalfoods.org/ | 2024 | |
14306 | Sangre de Cristo Center for Youth | $10,000 | Huerfano | General operating support to provide mentoring, enrichment opportunities and supportive services for economically disadvantaged youth in Huerfano County. | Sangre de Cristo Center for Youth | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southeast | https://m.facebook.com/Sangre-De-Cristo-Center-For-Youth-266237060128975/ | 2024 | |
14307 | Second Chance Humane Society | $5,000 | Ouray | General operating support to provide medical, shelter, and other programs to address the needs of homeless pets in Ouray, San Miguel, and Montrose Counties. | Second Chance Humane Society | Humane Animal Services | San Juan | http://www.AdoptMountainPets.org | 2024 | |
14310 | Seniors Resource Center | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support for care management, in-home care, facility-based respite, and caregiver counseling and support services. | Seniors Resource Center | Senior Programs | Denver Metro Area | https://seniorsresourcecenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14311 | Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center (SAVA) | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide crisis intervention and supportive services for victims of sexual assault and youth-focused assault prevention education. | Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center (SAVA) | Crisis Intervention | Northern Front Range | https://savacenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14312 | Shields and Stripes | $1,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide mental health, physical, and occupational therapy for veterans and first responders. | Shields and Stripes | Crisis Intervention | Out of State | http://shieldsandstripes.org | 2024 | |
14313 | Silverton Family Learning Center, Inc. | $7,500 | San Juan | General operating support to provide early childhood education and tuition assistance for children ages 0 to 6 years old in San Juan County. | Silverton Family Learning Center, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Southwest | http://sflc.co | 2024 | |
14314 | Sister Carmen Community Center, Inc. | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families in Boulder County. | Sister Carmen Community Center, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | http://www.sistercarmen.org | 2024 | |
14315 | Six Points Evaluation & Training, Inc. | $10,000 | Gunnison | General operating support to provide employment training, personal care assistance, and recreational/artistic activities for developmentally disabled clients. | Six Points Evaluation & Training, Inc. | People with Disabilities | San Juan | http://www.sixpointsgunnison.org | 2024 | |
14316 | St. Anne's Episcopal School | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide a nurturing environment where each child builds character and integrity, in order to make significant and lasting contributions to society. | St. Anne's Episcopal School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | http://www.st-annes.org | 2024 | |
14317 | Stepping Stones Children's Center | $8,500 | Gunnison | General operating support to provide early childhood education and care for working families in Crested Butte. | Stepping Stones Children's Center | Early Childhood Development | San Juan | https://www.steppingstonescb.com/ | 2024 | |
14318 | Students Tackling Unhealthy Decisions (STUD) | $8,500 | Dolores | General operating support to provide educational opportunities and alternative activities for our youth that promote substance free lifestyles, and encourage safe and healthy choices. | Students Tackling Unhealthy Decisions (STUD) | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southwest | http://www.dc2j.org | 2024 | |
14319 | Summit County Youth and Family Services | $8,500 | Summit | To support Mountain Mentors, a one-on-one mentoring program to match caring, adult volunteers over the age of 21 with youth ages 8 to 16. | Summit County Youth and Family Services | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Heart of Colorado | https://www.summitcountyco.gov/332/Mountain-Mentors | 2024 | |
14320 | Summit Habitat for Humanity | $8,500 | Summit | General operating support to expand homeownership in low-income families in Summit and Park Counties. | Summit Habitat for Humanity | Low-Income Housing | Heart of Colorado | http://www.summithabitat.org | 2024 | |
14321 | Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide high-quality early childhood education for economically disadvantaged families in Larimer County. | Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Northern Front Range | http://www.teaching-tree.org | 2024 | |
14322 | Teller Park Early Childhood Council | $7,500 | Teller | General operating support to increase the quantity and quality of early childcare centers and to increase access to social-emotional health providers for young children in Park and Teller Counties. | Teller Park Early Childhood Council | Early Childhood Development | Heart of Colorado | http://www.tellerparkecc.org | 2024 | |
14323 | TGTHR | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide emergency shelter and therapeutic services for abused, neglected, runaway, troubled, and homeless youth in Boulder County. | TGTHR | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.tgthr.org | 2024 | |
14324 | The Action Center | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support for emergency services, basic needs, and programs serving the homeless and working poor of Jefferson County. | The Action Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://theactioncenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14325 | The Bridge Emergency Shelter | $8,000 | Montezuma | General operating support to provide emergency shelter and hot meals for homeless adults in Southwest Colorado. | The Bridge Emergency Shelter | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southwest | http://www.thebridgeshelter.org | 2024 | |
14326 | The Cornerstone Resource Center | $8,500 | Prowers | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families in Prowers County. | The Cornerstone Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Southeast | http://www.tcsrc.org | 2024 | |
14327 | The Crawford Child Advocacy Center | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide forensic interviews for child victims of sexual abuse and youth-focused assault prevention education. | The Crawford Child Advocacy Center | Crisis Intervention | Northern Front Range | http://crawfordcac.org | 2024 | |
14328 | The Dragon's Wagon | $8,500 | Philllips | General operating support to provide high-quality early childhood education for economically disadvantaged families in Phillips County. | The Dragon's Wagon | Early Childhood Development | Northeast | 2024 | ||
14329 | The Family Center/La Familia | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide high-quality early childhood education and services that stabilize and strengthen economically disadvantaged families. | The Family Center/La Familia | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northern Front Range | http://thefamilycenterfc.org/ | 2024 | |
14330 | The Initiative | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to serve people with disabilities who have been victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or caregiver abuse. | The Initiative | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | https://theinitiativecolorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14331 | The Literacy Project | $5,000 | Eagle | General operating support to provide free English literacy programs and skills training to Eagle Valley community members of all ages including adult basic literacy and Raising a Reader for children. | The Literacy Project | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Western Slope | http://www.literacyprojecteaglecounty.org | 2024 | |
14332 | The O'Neal School | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for a college preparatory school dedicated to the development of academic excellence, strength of character, and the physical well-being of its students. | The O'Neal School | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Out of State | http://www.onealschool.org | 2024 | |
14333 | The Wright Stuff Community Foundation | $7,500 | San Miguel | General operating support for rural, early childhood education and youth-focused programs. | The Wright Stuff Community Foundation | Early Childhood Development | San Juan | 2024 | ||
14334 | TreeTop Child Advocacy Center | $8,500 | Summit | General operating support to provide safe and supportive services for child victims of sexual abuse and their families. | TreeTop Child Advocacy Center | Crisis Intervention | Heart of Colorado | https://treetopcenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14335 | Tri-County Family Care Center, Inc. | $10,000 | Otero | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families in Bent, Crowley, and Otero County. | Tri-County Family Care Center, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Southeast | https://tricountyfamilycenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14336 | Twin Parishes Food Bank | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to alleviate hunger and food insecurity by providing healthy supplemental and emergency food to those in need. | Twin Parishes Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.twinparishesfoodbank.org | 2024 | |
14337 | Urban Peak | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to help young people overcome homelessness and other life challenges. | Urban Peak | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.urbanpeak.org | 2024 | |
14338 | Valley Assisted Living, Inc. | $7,500 | Custer | General operating support to provide a warm, home-like, assisted-living facility for the elderly that will enhance their quality of life. | Valley Assisted Living, Inc. | Senior Programs | Heart of Colorado | https://www.valiassistedliving.com/ | 2024 | |
14339 | Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to motivate and enable people to be active stewards of Colorado’s natural resources. | Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Denver Metro Area | http://www.voc.org | 2024 | |
14340 | Volunteers of America Colorado Branch | $10,000 | La Plata | To support the Durango Community Shelter, a comprehensive residential shelter for homeless families, women, and men. | Volunteers of America Colorado Branch | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southwest | http://www.voacolorado.org | 2024 | |
14341 | Welcome Home Child and Family Development Center | $8,500 | Prowers | General operating support to provide high-quality early childhood education for economically disadvantaged families in Prowers County. | Welcome Home Child and Family Development Center | Early Childhood Development | Southeast | https://www.prowerscounty.net/residents/child_and_family_development_center/index.php | 2024 | |
14342 | Western Slope Veterans Coalition | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide programs and activities that support, honor, and connect Veterans across the Western Slope at the Jesse Beckius/Casey Owens Veterans Resource Center. | Western Slope Veterans Coalition | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Western Slope | https://www.westernslopeveterans.org/ | 2024 | |
14343 | WindWalkers | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support to provide a variety of equine-assisted therapies to aid in the development and growth of those with challenges. | WindWalkers | People with Disabilities | Western Slope | http://windwalkers.org | 2024 | |
14344 | Women's Resource Center in Durango | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support to aid in the personal empowerment and economic self-sufficiency of women and girls in La Plata County. | Women's Resource Center in Durango | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Southwest | http://www.wrcdurango.org | 2024 | |
14345 | Work Options | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide job training, life skills, and job placement in the food service industry for impoverished individuals. | Work Options | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | http://www.workoptions.org | 2024 | |
14346 | Young Tracks, Inc. | $7,500 | Routt | To support tuition assistance for at-risk children who do not qualify for assistance from other agencies but still exhibit financial need for early childhood services. | Young Tracks, Inc. | Early Childhood Development | Northwest | http://youngtracks.com | 2024 | |
14347 | YouthPower365 | $7,500 | Eagle | General operating support to serve economically disadvantaged youth through early childhood initiatives and K-12 afterschool, summer and college and career readiness programs. | YouthPower365 | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Western Slope | https://youthpower365.org/ | 2024 | |
14387 | Prairie Cultural Commons | $7,500 | Kit Carson | General operating support for rural economic development opportunities and community improvements in Northeast Colorado. | Prairie Cultural Commons | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Northeast | https://www.prairieculturalcommons.org/ | 2024 | |
14388 | Sopris Sun LLC | $5,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide news and event coverage to the town of Carbondale and its surrounding unincorporated areas. | Sopris Sun LLC | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Western Slope | https://soprissun.com/ | 2024 | |
14389 | Southeast Colorado Creative Partnership Corp. | $8,000 | Otero | To support the rehabilitation of a historic building in La Junta to be used as a community center. | Southeast Colorado Creative Partnership Corp. | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Southeast | https://secocp.wordpress.com/ | 2024 | |
14390 | Adoption Options | $10,000 | Denver | To support the Flexible Families Program, which helps families adopt children from the foster care system. | Adoption Options | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | http://adoption-options.com | 2024 | |
14391 | Advocates of Lake County | $10,000 | Lake | General operating support for direct service programs addressing domestic violence and sexual assault in the 5th Judicial District. | Advocates of Lake County | Crisis Intervention | Heart of Colorado | https://advocatesoflakecounty.org/ | 2024 | |
14392 | Kim Equine Pavilion and Education Center, Inc. | $10,000 | Las Animas | A challenge grant to support emergency infrastructure needs, including the transition of the south end of the pavilion and education center from windscreens to a solid wall with doors. | Kim Equine Pavilion and Education Center, Inc. | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Southeast | http://www.mustangpavilion.com | 2024 | |
14393 | Alternative Horizons Corporation | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support to provide a crisis hotline and services to victims of domestic violence. | Alternative Horizons Corporation | Crisis Intervention | Southwest | http://www.alternativehorizons.org | 2024 | |
14394 | Alternatives to Violence, Inc. | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide shelter and support for people impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking. | Alternatives to Violence, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Northern Front Range | http://www.alternativestoviolence.org | 2024 | |
14395 | Blue Sky Bridge | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support to provide child abuse intervention, education, and advocacy, increasing the safety of Boulder County’s children and families. | Blue Sky Bridge | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | https://blueskybridge.org/ | 2024 | |
14396 | Court Care for the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | $7,500 | El Paso | General operating support to provide childcare services for low-income families with court-related business in El Paso and Teller Counties. | Court Care for the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Southern Front Range | http://www.courtcare.org | 2024 | |
14397 | Crossroads Safehouse, Inc. | $10,000 | Larimer | General operating support for an emergency shelter that assists victims of domestic violence. | Crossroads Safehouse, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Northern Front Range | http://crossroadssafehouse.org | 2024 | |
14398 | Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center, Inc. | $7,000 | Fremont | General operating support to provide advocacy, education, and promote healing for children and their non-offending caregivers who have suffered from sexual or physical abuse. | Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Heart of Colorado | http://www.kindredkidscac.org | 2024 | |
14399 | PorchLight Family Justice Center | $8,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide comprehensive legal and critical supportive services for survivors of domestic violence. | PorchLight Family Justice Center | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | http://www.porchlightfjc.org | 2024 | |
14400 | Project Hope of Gunnison Valley | $6,000 | Gunnison | General operating support to assist victims of violence by providing shelter, counseling, and a 24-hour hotline. | Project Hope of Gunnison Valley | Crisis Intervention | San Juan | http://www.hope4gv.org | 2024 | |
14401 | Pueblo Child Advocacy Center | $10,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide coordinated, child-friendly investigations and services for child victims of sexual abuse. | Pueblo Child Advocacy Center | Crisis Intervention | Southeast | http://www.pueblocac.org | 2024 | |
14402 | Response: Help for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault | $7,500 | Pitkin | General operating support for programs that assist survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, and human trafficking in the Roaring Fork Valley. | Response: Help for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault | Crisis Intervention | Western Slope | https://www.responsehelps.org/ | 2024 | |
14403 | Rise Above Violence | $8,500 | Archuleta | General operating support to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or other types of victimization caused by crimes of violence. | Rise Above Violence | Crisis Intervention | Southwest | http://www.riseaboveviolence.org | 2024 | |
14404 | SafeHouse Denver, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to assist women and children who are seeking safety from domestic violence. | SafeHouse Denver, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | www.safehouse-denver.org | 2024 | |
14406 | SARA House | $8,500 | Morgan | General operating support to provide coordinated, child-friendly investigations and services for child victims of sexual abuse. | SARA House | Crisis Intervention | Northeast | http://www.sarahouseco.org | 2024 | |
14407 | Special Forces Foundation | $8,000 | El Paso | General operating support to provide comprehensive support to Colorado's active and retired special forces community. | Special Forces Foundation | Crisis Intervention | Southern Front Range | https://specialforcesfoundation.org/ | 2024 | |
14408 | The Dolphin House | $8,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide coordinated and professional assessment, investigation of child abuse, and crisis support services to child victims of sexual abuse in the 7th Judicial District. | The Dolphin House | Crisis Intervention | San Juan | https://dolphinhousecolorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14409 | Three Birds Alliance | $7,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide services for people who have experienced domestic violence. | Three Birds Alliance | Crisis Intervention | Denver Metro Area | http://www.threebirdsalliance.org/ | 2024 | |
14410 | Tu Casa, Inc. | $8,500 | Alamosa | General operating support to provide services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in the San Luis Valley. | Tu Casa, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | San Luis Valley | http://www.slvtucasa.net/ | 2024 | |
14411 | Uncompahgre Volunteer Legal Aid | $6,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide legal assistance and education to seniors, low-income, and at-risk individuals in the community, giving the highest priority to victims of domestic violence. | Uncompahgre Volunteer Legal Aid | Crisis Intervention | San Juan | https://uvlamontrose.org/ | 2024 | |
14412 | Youth & Family Advocacy Services | $10,000 | Montrose | General operating support to provide volunteer advocates in child abuse and neglect cases in Colorado's 7th Judicial District. | Youth & Family Advocacy Services | Crisis Intervention | San Juan | http://casa7jd.org | 2024 | |
14413 | Bal Swan Children's Center | $10,000 | Broomfield | General operating support for educational programming and therapy services for children and families who cannot afford them. | Bal Swan Children's Center | Early Childhood Development | Denver Metro Area | https://www.balswan.org/ | 2024 | |
14414 | Dove's Nest Early Care and Education Center | $8,000 | Dolores | General operating support for an affordable daycare center and early education services for individuals and families in rural Dolores County. | Dove's Nest Early Care and Education Center | Early Childhood Development | Southwest | 2024 | ||
14415 | Grand Kids Learning Center | $21,000 | Grand | General operating support to provide high-quality early learning for children, ages 8 weeks to 6 years old, across three locations in Grand County. | Grand Kids Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Northwest | http://grandkidschildcare.org | 2024 | |
14416 | Limon Child Development Center | $8,500 | Lincoln | General operating support to provide high-quality early childhood education for economically disadvantaged families in Lincoln County. | Limon Child Development Center | Early Childhood Development | Northeast | https://www.facebook.com/p/Limon-Child-Development-Center-100063530534700/ | 2024 | |
14417 | Little Giants Learning Center | $7,500 | Adams | General operating support to provide childcare scholarships for children and families in need of financial assistance. | Little Giants Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Denver Metro Area | https://littlegiantslearningcenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14418 | Little Treasures Preschool | $8,000 | Conejos | General operating support for an early childhood education center serving Conejos County. | Little Treasures Preschool | Early Childhood Development | San Luis Valley | http://www.littletreasurespre.com | 2024 | |
14419 | Nucla Early Learning Center | $8,500 | Montrose | General operating support for an early learning center that facilitates a child's social, emotional, cognitive, and motor development. | Nucla Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | San Juan | https://www.westendschools.org/o/nes/page/nuca-early-learning-center | 2024 | |
14420 | Riverhouse Children's Center | $8,500 | La Plata | General operating support for an early childhood education center in Durango. | Riverhouse Children's Center | Early Childhood Development | Southwest | http://riverhousecci.org | 2024 | |
14421 | Sargent Early Learning Center | $8,000 | Rio Grande | General operating support for an early learning center serving children ages 1-5 years old in Saguache, Alamosa, and Rio Grande Counties. | Sargent Early Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | San Luis Valley | https://sargentearlylearning.wixsite.com/selc | 2024 | |
14422 | Summit County Preschool | $8,500 | Summit | General operating support to provide high-quality early education and care for children ages 2 months through 5 years. | Summit County Preschool | Early Childhood Development | Heart of Colorado | https://www.summitcountypreschool.com/ | 2024 | |
14423 | TLC Learning Center | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support for preschool education, parent education, and pediatric therapy for children from economically disadvantaged families. | TLC Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Denver Metro Area | http://www.learningwithtlc.org | 2024 | |
14424 | Wray Community Learning Center | $8,500 | Yuma | General operating support to provide high-quality early childhood education for economically disadvantaged families in Yuma County. | Wray Community Learning Center | Early Childhood Development | Northeast | http://www.wraykids.com | 2024 | |
14425 | Blue Rose Ranch Horse Rescue & Adoption | $6,000 | Baca | General operating support to rescue, train, and rehabilitate unwanted horses until a qualified owner can adopt them. | Blue Rose Ranch Horse Rescue & Adoption | Humane Animal Services | Southeast | http://www.blueroseranch.org | 2024 | |
14426 | Gunnison Valley Animal Welfare League | $5,000 | Gunnison | General operating support to provide food, shelter, and veterinary care for stray and homeless dogs and cats, as well as provide education to the community regarding proper animal care, including spaying/neutering. | Gunnison Valley Animal Welfare League | Humane Animal Services | San Juan | https://gvawl.org/ | 2024 | |
14427 | Surface Creek Animal Shelter | $5,000 | Delta | General operating support for an adoption-guaranteed animal shelter and support of the Keep the Paws at Home Program in Delta County. | Surface Creek Animal Shelter | Humane Animal Services | Western Slope | http://surfacecreekanimalshelter.org | 2024 | |
14428 | Adams County Food Bank | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to purchase and distribute food to needy households throughout Adams County. | Adams County Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://adamscountyfoodbank.org | 2024 | |
14429 | Aurora Interfaith Community Services | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to assist Aurora residents with basic needs: food, clothing, transportation, and rental and utility assistance. | Aurora Interfaith Community Services | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://www.aurorainterfaith.org/ | 2024 | |
14430 | Clifton Christian Church Food Bank | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support to provide nutritious food and supplemental items to financially insecure individuals and families in Mesa County. | Clifton Christian Church Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Western Slope | https://cccfoodbank.com/ | 2024 | |
14431 | Community Food Bank of Grand Junction | $10,000 | Mesa | General operating support to advance community health and economic stability in Mesa County by boosting nutritious food access and addressing root causes of food insecurity. | Community Food Bank of Grand Junction | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Western Slope | https://www.foodbankgj.org/ | 2024 | |
14432 | Cooperating Ministry of Logan County | $8,500 | Logan | General operating support to provide crisis and emergency support for economically disadvantaged individuals in Logan County. | Cooperating Ministry of Logan County | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northeast | https://www.coopminlc.com/ | 2024 | |
14433 | FoCo Cafe | $7,000 | Larimer | General operating support to provide nutritious, healthy meals for economically disadvantaged community members. | FoCo Cafe | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northern Front Range | https://www.fococafe.org/ | 2024 | |
14434 | Food for Hope | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to nourish Adams County children through weekend food bags, school snacks, and in-school food banks. | Food for Hope | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://foodforhope.net/ | 2024 | |
14435 | Guidestone Colorado | $8,000 | Chaffee | To support the Community & School Farm site that provides vital food for the Salida community. | Guidestone Colorado | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Heart of Colorado | https://guidestonecolorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14436 | Haven House of Montrose | $6,500 | Montrose | To support transitional housing for homeless families in Montrose County. | Haven House of Montrose | Food/Shelter/Homeless | San Juan | http://www.havenhousehomeless.org | 2024 | |
14437 | Help & Hope Center | $8,000 | Douglas | General operating support to provide emergency food and support for economically disadvantaged residents in Douglas and Elbert County. | Help & Hope Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | http://www.helpandhopecenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14438 | Jeffco Eats | $8,500 | Jefferson | General operating support to reduce the number of children experiencing hunger in Jefferson County while increasing nutritional intake through healthy, quality foods. | Jeffco Eats | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://jeffcoeats.org/ | 2024 | |
14439 | Pueblo Cooperative Care Center | $12,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide food assistance and basic needs support for low-income families in Pueblo County. | Pueblo Cooperative Care Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southeast | https://www.cooperativecare.org/ | 2024 | |
14440 | Re:Vision | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to increase access to fresh, healthy foods, business incubation, and supportive services for low-income residents in the Westwood neighborhood. | Re:Vision | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://www.revision.coop/ | 2024 | |
14441 | Rising Up | $8,500 | Morgan | General operating support to create innovative lasting solutions to homelessness, hunger and poverty in Morgan County. | Rising Up | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northeast | https://www.risingupmorgancounty.com/ | 2024 | |
14442 | Sharing Ministries Food Bank | $8,500 | Montrose | General operating support to provide food assistance to those in need in the San Juan region. | Sharing Ministries Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | San Juan | https://sharingministries.com/ | 2024 | |
14443 | Sparrow House Ministries | $8,500 | Prowers | General operating support to provide emergency food assistance for low-income individuals and families in Southeast Colorado. | Sparrow House Ministries | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southeast | https://sparrowhousepantry.wixsite.com/ministries | 2024 | |
14444 | Sprout City Farms, Inc. | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to cultivate innovative, educational farms in urban areas and provide food to low-income neighborhoods. | Sprout City Farms, Inc. | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://sproutcityfarms.org/ | 2024 | |
14445 | St. George Episcopal Mission | $10,000 | Lake | General operating support for a food bank and community meals program in rural Lake County. | St. George Episcopal Mission | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Heart of Colorado | https://www.saintgeorgeleadville.com/ | 2024 | |
14446 | Sun Valley Kitchen and Community Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide food access and youth enrichment programs in the Sun Valley community. | Sun Valley Kitchen and Community Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://sunvalleykitchen.org/ | 2024 | |
14447 | The Delores Project | $8,500 | Denver | To support safe, comfortable shelter for women experiencing homelessness. | The Delores Project | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://thedeloresproject.org/ | 2024 | |
14448 | The Joseph Center | $8,500 | Mesa | General operating support to help people in need of hope by restoring dignity through encouragement and support services, including a day shelter, transitional housing, and resource navigation. | The Joseph Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Western Slope | https://josephcentergj.com/ | 2024 | |
14449 | The Place | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support to provide street outreach, emergency shelter, case management, education and employment services, and life skills training to homeless and runaway youth. | The Place | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Southern Front Range | https://theplacecos.org/ | 2024 | |
14450 | UpRoot Colorado | $7,500 | Garfield | To support efforts across the Western Slope to harvest and redistribute surplus, nutrient-dense foods from farms to hunger relief centers. | UpRoot Colorado | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Western Slope | https://www.uprootcolorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14451 | We Don't Waste | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to increase food access by rescuing and repurposing food, while educating and advocating to increase food security and decrease food waste. | We Don't Waste | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Denver Metro Area | https://www.wedontwaste.org/ | 2024 | |
14452 | Weld Food Bank | $8,500 | Weld | General operating support to help fight hunger in Weld County. | Weld Food Bank | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northern Front Range | https://weldfoodbank.org/ | 2024 | |
14453 | Archway Housing and Services | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide wraparound services for individuals exiting homelessness and living in affordable housing in Arapahoe, Denver, Jefferson, and El Paso Counties. | Archway Housing and Services | Low-Income Housing | Denver Metro Area | https://www.archwaycommunities.org/ | 2024 | |
14454 | Chaffee Housing Trust | $10,000 | Chaffee | General operating support to provide affordable and sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities to qualifying residents. | Chaffee Housing Trust | Low-Income Housing | Heart of Colorado | https://www.chaffeehousing.org/ | 2024 | |
14455 | Greccio Housing | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support to provide affordable housing and resources that encourage stability for residents in El Paso County. | Greccio Housing | Low-Income Housing | Southern Front Range | https://www.greccio.org/ | 2024 | |
14456 | Habitat for Humanity of St. Vrain Valley | $10,000 | Boulder | General operating support for affordable homeownership and mortgage assistance for economically disadvantaged families in the St. Vrain Valley. | Habitat for Humanity of St. Vrain Valley | Low-Income Housing | Denver Metro Area | https://www.stvrainhabitat.org/ | 2024 | |
14457 | Habitat for Humanity of the Roaring Fork Valley, Inc. | $10,000 | Garfield | To support the construction of The Confluence, an affordable housing community located in Glenwood Springs. | Habitat for Humanity of the Roaring Fork Valley, Inc. | Low-Income Housing | Western Slope | https://habitatroaringfork.org/ | 2024 | |
14458 | San Luis Valley Housing Coalition | $10,000 | Alamosa | General operating support to assist low- to moderate-income families with their affordable housing needs. | San Luis Valley Housing Coalition | Low-Income Housing | San Luis Valley | https://sites.google.com/slvhc.com/slvhc | 2024 | |
14459 | The Inn Between of Longmont, Inc. | $10,000 | Boulder | To support affordable, supportive housing and wraparound support for seniors and individuals with disabilities. | The Inn Between of Longmont, Inc. | Low-Income Housing | Denver Metro Area | https://www.theinnbetween.org/ | 2024 | |
14460 | United Neighbors | $7,500 | Larimer | To provide resources, referrals, and self-sufficiency programming for residents of a mobile home community. | United Neighbors | Low-Income Housing | Northern Front Range | https://sites.google.com/un-vu.org/nueva-vida-mobile-home-park/homehogar | 2024 | |
14461 | Achieve | $6,500 | Chaffee | General operating support to provide paid work experience and job training for neurodivergent people, enabling them to obtain and maintain meaningful employment. | Achieve | People with Disabilities | Heart of Colorado | https://www.achievelifeskills.org/ | 2024 | |
14462 | Adam's Camp | $10,000 | Arapahoe | General operating support to provide therapeutic programs and need-based scholarships for Colorado children with developmental disabilities, particularly those living with cerebral palsy, and their families. | Adam's Camp | People with Disabilities | Northwest | https://adamscamp.org/ | 2024 | |
14463 | Adaptive Adventures | $10,000 | Adams | General operating support to provide adaptive sports and recreation programs for disabled individuals, Veterans, and their families in Colorado free of charge. | Adaptive Adventures | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | https://adaptiveadventures.org/ | 2024 | |
14464 | Adaptive Sports Association, Inc. | $10,000 | La Plata | General operating support to provide outdoor, sport, and recreational experiences for people with disabilities, regardless of their ability to pay. | Adaptive Sports Association, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Southwest | https://asadurango.com/ | 2024 | |
14465 | Aftersight | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide audio information services to blind and visually impaired Coloradans. | Aftersight | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | https://aftersight.org/ | 2024 | |
14466 | Center for Independence | $8,500 | Mesa | General operating support to promote community solutions and empower individuals with a disability to live independently. | Center for Independence | People with Disabilities | Western Slope | https://cfigj.org/ | 2024 | |
14467 | Disabled Resource Services | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to help individuals with disabilities gain or maintain their independence. | Disabled Resource Services | People with Disabilities | Northern Front Range | https://drsnoco.org/ | 2024 | |
14468 | Ensight Skills Center | $8,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide low-vision training, services, and equipment for low-income clients. | Ensight Skills Center | People with Disabilities | Northern Front Range | https://ensightskills.org/ | 2024 | |
14469 | Harmony Acres Equestrian Center | $7,500 | Mesa | General operating support to provide equine/animal-assisted services for people in Mesa County challenged by physical, intellectual, and/or developmental disabilities, regardless of their ability to pay. | Harmony Acres Equestrian Center | People with Disabilities | Western Slope | https://www.harmonyacresec.org/ | 2024 | |
14470 | Havern School | $10,000 | Jefferson | General operating support to provide educational interventions for underserved, neurodivergent students living with specific learning disabilities and differences. | Havern School | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | https://www.havernschool.org/ | 2024 | |
14471 | Listen Foundation, Inc. | $7,500 | Arapahoe | To support the Children's Listening and Spoken Language Therapy Program teaching deaf and hearing-impaired children in Colorado to listen and talk. | Listen Foundation, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Denver Metro Area | https://www.listenfoundation.org/ | 2024 | |
14472 | Timberline Adult Day Services | $7,500 | Summit | General operating support to provide caregiver respite through trusted, affordable, life-enriching day programs for adults. | Timberline Adult Day Services | People with Disabilities | Heart of Colorado | https://timberlineadultday.com/Timberline-Adult-Respite-Care | 2024 | |
14473 | Trio Therapy Partners | $7,500 | Eagle | General operating support to provide equine-assisted activities to differently-abled children, adults, and families in Eagle County. | Trio Therapy Partners | People with Disabilities | Western Slope | https://www.triotherapypartners.com/ | 2024 | |
14475 | Broomfield FISH | $10,000 | Broomfield | General operating support to provide a variety of family support services including assistance with food, emergency financial assistance, and resource support. | Broomfield FISH | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://www.broomfieldfish.org/ | 2024 | |
14476 | Careers in Construction Colorado | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support to offer students pre-apprenticeship training, job placements, and opportunities to develop relationships within the construction industry. | Careers in Construction Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Southern Front Range | https://ciccolorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14477 | Clothes to Kids of Denver, Inc. | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide new and quality used clothing to low-income, school-aged children in the Denver Metro Area. | Clothes to Kids of Denver, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://clothestokidsdenver.org/ | 2024 | |
14478 | Colorado East Community Action Agency | $10,000 | Lincoln | General operating support to assist low-income rural families through programs that promote self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and asset-building. | Colorado East Community Action Agency | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northeast | https://www.facebook.com/coloeastcaa/ | 2024 | |
14479 | Community of Caring Foundation | $8,500 | Teller | General operating support to provide a “one-stop-shop” for individuals seeking charitable services in Teller County. | Community of Caring Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Heart of Colorado | https://cocamc.org/ | 2024 | |
14480 | Denver Urban Gardens | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to ensure that low- and limited-income families have the skills, resources, and support needed to grow their healthy food in community gardens or at their own homes. | Denver Urban Gardens | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://dug.org/ | 2024 | |
14481 | EarthLinks | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to provide a job training program and wrap-around support in the Sun Valley community. | EarthLinks | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://www.earthlinks-colorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14482 | Emily Griffith Foundation | $10,000 | Denver | To support the 360 Fund which provides financial assistance for non-tuition expenses such as transportation, medical, childcare, and housing costs. | Emily Griffith Foundation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://www.egfoundation.org/ | 2024 | |
14483 | Energy Resource Center | $10,000 | El Paso | To support low-income families in the San Luis Valley with emergency home needs such as water heaters, furnaces, and emergency assistance. | Energy Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | San Luis Valley | https://erc-co.org/ | 2024 | |
14484 | Family & Intercultural Resource Center (FIRC) | $10,000 | Summit | General operating support to provide basic needs to low-income residents and workers in Summit County. | Family & Intercultural Resource Center (FIRC) | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Heart of Colorado | https://summitfirc.org/ | 2024 | |
14485 | Full Circle of Lake County, Inc. | $10,000 | Lake | General operating support to bolster protective factors and reduce risk factors at the individual and family levels in Lake County. | Full Circle of Lake County, Inc. | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Heart of Colorado | https://www.fullcircleleadville.org/ | 2024 | |
14486 | Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Center | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide comprehensive, high-quality legal services for economically disadvantaged individuals and families. | Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://www.jamlac.org | 2024 | |
14488 | Nourish Colorado | $8,500 | Denver | To support the purchase of groceries and necessary materials for the Cooking Matters program which enables participants to gain and practice newly acquired skills at home. | Nourish Colorado | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://nourishcolorado.org | 2024 | |
14489 | OUR Center | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families. | OUR Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://www.ourcenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14491 | Project Worthmore | $8,500 | Adams | General operating support to provide services and programs that foster community, self-sufficiency, and increase the quality of life among Denver area refugees. | Project Worthmore | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://projectworthmore.org/ | 2024 | |
14492 | Rural Communities Resource Center | $9,000 | Yuma | General operating support for services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families in Washington and Yuma Counties. | Rural Communities Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northeast | https://rcrcenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14493 | San Luis Valley Immigrant Resource Center | $10,000 | Alamosa | General operating support for domestic violence victims, citizenship assistance, basic needs, ESL classes, and legal assistance on immigration issues. | San Luis Valley Immigrant Resource Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | San Luis Valley | https://www.slvirc.org/ | 2024 | |
14494 | Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning | $10,000 | Denver | To support adult education programs that include English-language acquisition and career pathways. | Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://springinstitute.org/ | 2024 | |
14495 | The Matthews House | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide youth enrichment and family support programs. | The Matthews House | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northern Front Range | https://www.thematthewshouse.org/ | 2024 | |
14496 | Thrive-Transformation at Work | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide the tools underserved community members need to find work, maintain employment, and advance in their careers. | Thrive-Transformation at Work | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://thrivecolorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14497 | Thriving Families | $8,500 | Denver | To support underserved and marginalized women and their families with access to quality perinatal services during pregnancy and after birth. | Thriving Families | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Denver Metro Area | https://www.thrivingfamiliescolorado.org/ | 2024 | |
14498 | 60+ Ride | $7,500 | Weld | General operating support to provide free transportation to medical, wellness, nutrition, social, and basic needs appointments for vulnerable, low-income, aging adults. | 60+ Ride | Senior Programs | Northern Front Range | https://www.60plusride.org/ | 2024 | |
14499 | Archuleta Seniors, Inc. | $7,500 | Archuleta | To support Meals on Wheels for homebound seniors in Archuleta County. | Archuleta Seniors, Inc. | Senior Programs | Southwest | http://www.psseniors.org/ | 2024 | |
14500 | Coal Creek Meals on Wheels | $7,500 | Boulder | General operating support to provide nutritious meals for homebound community members. | Coal Creek Meals on Wheels | Senior Programs | Denver Metro Area | https://www.coalcreekmow.org/ | 2024 | |
14501 | Florence Senior Community Center | $7,000 | Fremont | General operating support for the local senior center which provides nutritional, recreational, and informational programs for seniors, disabled, disadvantaged, and Veterans in the community. | Florence Senior Community Center | Senior Programs | Heart of Colorado | http://www.facebook.com/FlorenceSeniorCommunityCenter/ | 2024 | |
14502 | Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc. | $8,500 | Boulder | General operating support to help older adults and people with disabilities remain independent in their homes through healthy meals and daily visits. | Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc. | Senior Programs | Denver Metro Area | https://www.longmontmeals.org/ | 2024 | |
14503 | Northerners Senior Citizens Association, Inc. | $10,000 | Conejos | General operating support to provide meals and activities for seniors in Conejos County. | Northerners Senior Citizens Association, Inc. | Senior Programs | San Luis Valley | https://www.facebook.com/Northerners-Senior-Citizens-324331247911564/ | 2024 | |
14504 | Park County Senior Coalition | $10,000 | Park | General operating support to help seniors in Park County maintain the highest quality of life by remaining in their homes for as long as possible. | Park County Senior Coalition | Senior Programs | Heart of Colorado | https://parkcoseniors.org/ | 2024 | |
14505 | SAINT Volunteer Transportation | $7,500 | Larimer | General operating support to provide transportation for seniors and people with disabilities so that they can maintain their quality of life. | SAINT Volunteer Transportation | Senior Programs | Northern Front Range | https://saintvolunteertransportation.org/ | 2024 | |
14506 | South-Central Colorado Seniors, Inc. | $10,000 | Alamosa | General operating support to assist older persons in leading independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their own homes in the San Luis Valley. | South-Central Colorado Seniors, Inc. | Senior Programs | San Luis Valley | https://www.slvaaa.org/ | 2024 | |
14507 | Southwest Improvement Council, Inc. | $8,500 | Denver | General operating support to provide services to older adults in Southwest Denver striving to age in place. | Southwest Improvement Council, Inc. | Senior Programs | Denver Metro Area | https://swic-denver.org/ | 2024 | |
14508 | Summit County Community and Senior Center | $10,000 | Summit | To support the Meals on Wheels program for homebound seniors in Summit County. | Summit County Community and Senior Center | Senior Programs | Heart of Colorado | https://www.summitcountyco.gov/services/health_human_services/community_senior_center/index.php | 2024 | |
14509 | Teller Senior Coalition | $10,000 | Teller | To support transportation for older adults to help them age in place in Teller and eastern Park Counties. | Teller Senior Coalition | Senior Programs | Heart of Colorado | https://www.tellerseniorcoalition.org/ | 2024 | |
14510 | Valley Meals and More | $10,000 | Garfield | General operating support to provide nutritious daily home-delivered meals and connection to older adults allowing them to age in place safely, independently, and with dignity. | Valley Meals and More | Senior Programs | Western Slope | https://www.valleymealsandmore.com/ | 2024 | |
14511 | Beyond Barriers Kansas, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities into the community of their choice. | Beyond Barriers Kansas, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Out of State | https://www.beyondbarriersks.com/ | 2024 | |
14513 | Center for Counseling & Consultation | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide professional, licensed mental health services to rural central Kansas. | Center for Counseling & Consultation | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Out of State | https://www.thecentergb.org/ | 2024 | |
14514 | Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to help people with disabilities achieve their employment and independence goals. | Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Out of State | https://www.cprf.org/ | 2024 | |
14515 | Habitat for Humanity of Grand County, Inc. | $5,000 | Grand | General operating support for affordable homeownership and mortgage assistance opportunities for economically disadvantaged families in Grand County. | Habitat for Humanity of Grand County, Inc. | Low-Income Housing | Northwest | https://www.habitatgrandcounty.org/ | 2024 | |
14516 | Kate's Kart, Inc. | $1,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to purchase and deliver brand new books to hospitalized children. | Kate's Kart, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Out of State | https://kateskart.org/ | 2024 | |
14518 | KC Pet Project | $4,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide a compassionate, safe community for pets and people. | KC Pet Project | Humane Animal Services | Out of State | https://kcpetproject.org | 2024 | |
14519 | Lawrence Humane Society | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support the Crisis Pet Retention Program, which provides resources to pet owners experiencing crises such as poverty, being unhoused, or job loss. | Lawrence Humane Society | Humane Animal Services | Out of State | https://lawrencehumane.org/ | 2024 | |
14520 | Lawrence Humane Society | $3,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support the Crisis Pet Retention Program, which provides resources to pet owners experiencing crises such as poverty, being unhoused, or job loss. | Lawrence Humane Society | Humane Animal Services | Out of State | https://lawrencehumane.org/ | 2024 | |
14521 | Liberal Area Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Services, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. | Liberal Area Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Services, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Out of State | https://www.larcdvs.com/ | 2024 | |
14522 | Literacy KC | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for adult education and literacy programs, including English-language learning and High School Equivalency, for students in the Kansas City area. | Literacy KC | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Out of State | https://literacykc.org/ | 2024 | |
14523 | Mountain Family Center | $10,000 | Grand | General operating support for programs to combat generational poverty, expand hunger relief efforts, and expand financial resources for residents of Grand and Jackson Counties. | Mountain Family Center | Food/Shelter/Homeless | Northwest | https://www.mountainfamilycenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14524 | Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids (P.A.R.K.) | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide after-school programming, including education, recreation, and community service opportunities to youth in Arkansas. | Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids (P.A.R.K.) | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Out of State | https://www.positivekids.org | 2024 | |
14525 | Project Street Vet | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to provide free veterinary care, treatment, and support to the pets of individuals experiencing homelessness and/or housing vulnerability. | Project Street Vet | Humane Animal Services | Out of State | https://www.projectstreetvet.org/ | 2024 | |
14526 | Skiatook Paws and Claws Animal Rescue, Inc. | $3,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for vaccination and veterinary care for dogs and cats in a “no-kill” shelter in northeastern Oklahoma. | Skiatook Paws and Claws Animal Rescue, Inc. | Humane Animal Services | Out of State | https://www.skiatookpawsandclaws.com/ | 2024 | |
14527 | South Park City | $5,000 | Park | General operating support to preserve and restore historic buildings in South Park City, CO. | South Park City | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Heart of Colorado | http://www.southparkcity.org | 2024 | |
14528 | Spencer Museum of Art | $10,000 | Outside of Colorado | To support Spencer Museum of Art’s mission of sustaining a culturally diverse art collection and encouraging exploration of art and ideas. | Spencer Museum of Art | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Out of State | https://spencerart.ku.edu/ | 2024 | |
14529 | The Conflict Center | $10,000 | Denver | General operating support to reduce levels of physical, verbal, and emotional violence by teaching skills to youth, families, and individuals in a variety of settings. | The Conflict Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | https://conflictcenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14530 | The Friends of Grand County Library | $5,000 | Grand | To support the Grand County Library's 2025 Summer Reading Program. | The Friends of Grand County Library | Early Childhood Development | Northwest | https://friendsofgrandcountylibrary.org/ | 2024 | |
14531 | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | $5,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support to ensure underserved communities in Wichita, KS have access to reproductive health care. | Trust Women Foundation, Inc. | Crisis Intervention | Out of State | https://trustwomen.org/ | 2024 | |
14532 | Twin Valley Developmental Services, Inc. | $7,000 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for residential sites and a day center serving people with intellectual and developmental disability. | Twin Valley Developmental Services, Inc. | People with Disabilities | Out of State | https://twinvalleyfriends.com/ | 2024 | |
14533 | Victory Service Dogs | $10,000 | El Paso | General operating support to help local military Veterans, active duty military, and first responders gain an improved quality of life through the partnership of a service dog. | Victory Service Dogs | People with Disabilities | Southern Front Range | https://www.victorysd.org | 2024 | |
14534 | Western Kansas Community Foundation | $4,500 | Outside of Colorado | To support the website development of the "Our Community Our Future" project which addresses leadership and community needs for four rural communities in Western Kansas. | Western Kansas Community Foundation | Civic, Community, and Capacity Building | Out of State | https://wkcf.org/ | 2024 | |
14535 | Wichita's Littlest Heroes | $2,500 | Outside of Colorado | General operating support for free events and activities, financial assistance, and education classes for families with children who are sick with life-threatening illnesses. | Wichita's Littlest Heroes | Crisis Intervention | Out of State | https://www.wichitaslittlestheroes.com/ | 2024 | |
14536 | Access AfterSchool | $7,500 | Garfield | To support the SecondShift afterschool enrichment program for middle school students focused on creative enrichment, workforce readiness, and positive youth development. | Access AfterSchool | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Western Slope | https://www.accessafterschool.org/ | 2024 | |
14537 | Antonito Together | $6,500 | Conejos | General operating support to provide youth development and civic engagement opportunities for Antonito youth. | Antonito Together | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Luis Valley | 2024 | ||
14538 | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado | $7,500 | La Plata | General operating support for a mentoring program matching adults with local at-risk youth. | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southwest | https://bbig.org/ | 2024 | |
14539 | Booktrails, Inc. | $8,500 | Routt | General operating support to provide reading and writing enrichment programs for low-income students. | Booktrails, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Northwest | https://mybooktrails.org/ | 2024 | |
14540 | Boys & Girls Clubs of Pueblo County | $12,000 | Pueblo | General operating support to provide high-quality, affordable, year-round programming to children and youth in Pueblo County. | Boys & Girls Clubs of Pueblo County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southeast | https://www.bgcpckids.org/ | 2024 | |
14541 | Boys & Girls Clubs of the High Rockies | $8,500 | Park | General operating support to provide high-quality, affordable, year-round programming to children and youth in rural Park County. | Boys & Girls Clubs of the High Rockies | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Heart of Colorado | https://bgchr.co/ | 2024 | |
14542 | Boys and Girls Club of Fremont County, Inc. | $8,500 | Fremont | General operating support to provide high-quality, affordable, year-round programming to children and youth in Fremont County. | Boys and Girls Club of Fremont County, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Heart of Colorado | https://www.bgcfremont.org/ | 2024 | |
14543 | Boys and Girls Club of La Plata County | $8,500 | La Plata | General operating support to provide high-quality, affordable, year-round programming to children and youth in La Plata County. | Boys and Girls Club of La Plata County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southwest | https://bgclaplata.org/ | 2024 | |
14544 | Boys and Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley | $30,000 | Alamosa | General operating support to provide high-quality, affordable, year-round programming to children and youth across five clubs in the San Luis Valley. | Boys and Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Luis Valley | https://www.bgcslv.org/ | 2024 | |
14545 | Boys and Girls Clubs of Weld County | $8,500 | Weld | General operating support to provide high-quality, affordable, year-round programming to children and youth in Weld County. | Boys and Girls Clubs of Weld County | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Northern Front Range | https://www.bgcweld.org/ | 2024 | |
14546 | Cobbled Streets | $10,000 | Jefferson | To support children in foster care with individualized experiences and opportunities so they can heal from trauma, create connections, and thrive. | Cobbled Streets | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Denver Metro Area | https://www.cobbledstreets.org/ | 2024 | |
14547 | College Access Navigators | $7,500 | Morgan | To support after-school programming for economically disadvantaged youth in Morgan County. | College Access Navigators | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Northeast | https://collegeaccessnavigators.org | 2024 | |
14548 | Highwater Farm | $7,500 | Garfield | General operating support for a farm job-training program that helps youth develop critical work ethic and interpersonal skills. | Highwater Farm | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Western Slope | https://highwaterfarm.org/ | 2024 | |
14549 | Medicine Horse Center | $8,500 | Montezuma | General operating support for equine-assisted therapy that teaches social-emotional wellness and leadership skills to at-risk youth, school staff, and families. | Medicine Horse Center | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southwest | https://medicinehorsecenter.org/ | 2024 | |
14550 | Mountain Studies Institute | $8,500 | La Plata | To support science and mountain-focused youth programming in San Juan and La Plata Counties. | Mountain Studies Institute | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southwest | https://www.mountainstudies.org/ | 2024 | |
14551 | One to One Mentoring | $7,500 | San Miguel | General operating support to provide mentoring experiences for children and youth. | One to One Mentoring | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | San Juan | https://onetoonetelluride.org/ | 2024 | |
14552 | Roaring Fork PreCollegiate | $8,500 | Garfield | To support Roaring Fork PreCollegiate, a college access program providing comprehensive high school and college advising and mentoring, access to resources, and experiential opportunities. | Roaring Fork PreCollegiate | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Western Slope | https://rfprecollegiate.org/ | 2024 | |
14553 | Rocky Mountain Youth Corps | $10,000 | Routt | General operating support for experiential education that develops youth into productive, sustainable, and successful adults through service to the community. | Rocky Mountain Youth Corps | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Northwest | https://www.rockymountainyouthcorps.org/ | 2024 | |
14554 | Steamboat Reading | $7,500 | Routt | General operating support to help struggling readers and their families through one-on-one literacy intervention services and evaluations. | Steamboat Reading | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Northwest | https://www.steamboatreading.org/ | 2024 | |
14555 | Two Peaks Fitness, Inc. | $5,000 | Huerfano | To support youth programming and enrichment activities in Huerfano County. | Two Peaks Fitness, Inc. | Youth Development/Outdoor Programs | Southeast | https://twopeaksfitness.org/ | 2024 | |
14487 | Morgan County Family Center | $8,500 | Morgan | General operating support for supportive services that stabilize and strengthen low-income families in Morgan County. | Morgan County Family Center | Self-Sufficiency/Families/Literacy | Northeast | https://morganfamilycenter.org/ | 2024 | |
Organization | Amount | County | Grant Description | Program Area | Year |